Lizard in Hell

Gawking at the presume of statue of my mom, I slowly crawl closer towards it. All manner of questions appear in my mind. What is happening?

Also, mom. When are you coming? I have so may questions to ask. This statue is only making me more nervous of how my mom is gonna answer all of this. Everything was a mess before. Now, everything is too much. IT IS TOO MUCH!

I can't stand it anymore! I just want to have my mom beside me.


I don't how long I've been staring at the statue, suddenly, just like after I crushed the cockroach before, information regarding the six legged lizard appears in my mind. However, this time only got information regarding the scales and some of its muscles. I wonder if eat more of the lizard would I get more information? Can I change into the lizard afterwards!?

Chomping down more on the lizard. Specifically the head and some of it's limbs, After waiting for a few minutes the information about its limbs and head slowly emerge. Yes! So, this is how I turned into a cockroach before. It's not the cockroach's revenge, it's this. This evolving ability? Alright, lets call it that.

Now, I just gotta think to change into a lizard right? Immediately after that, information about the whole lizard pass through my mind and my whole begins to itch. I mean it's really itching. To the point that you just wanna bang your head so you could pass out.


After a few minutes of just standing still trying not to smash my head onto the ground, it stops and hold and behold, I become the six legged lizard. Looking behind my back, I could see a long slender tail growing from it. Hmm, for some reason, it feels like having a tail is stranger than having an extra limbs. It's a completely new feel to it.

YES! My curse has been lifted! No more cockroach body! Hell yeah! Alright, now I feel better about my new body, lets continue on to find shelter. Looking up at the statue, I sigh once again. However, I just realize something.Looking at the ear of the statue, the ear hole could make a great shelter. I can use that right? I mean ethically? Yeah, I'm sure it's fine. My mom would approve of it, I think?

Climbing the smooth surface of the statue is presenting quite a challenge. Jumping seems to work and finally got on top of the earlobe. Looking down the gigantic ear hole, there's nothing but a huge round boulder inside it. The boulder isn't really taking too much space inside, so I guess it's still fine.

Alright, shelter again, check. Now, lets find water next. Just as I was about to pop my head out of the hole, among the sounds of eruption, a loud roar reverberates. It shakes almost all the rocks around. Pocking my head out a bit, a large shadow looms over me.

With a gigantic maw that could easily swallow hundreds of me at once, the gigantic lizard roars once more before it slowly moves away with it's giant legs that makes earthquakes with its very step.

WOW! That's the biggest creature I've ever seen in my life! It looks almost like G@dzilla but, with longer and thicker arms. Also, instead of walking with its two rear legs, it uses all four of its limbs.

Bloody Hell! The lizard creatures here are humongous!