Chapter 4 - Kotomine Kirei

You don't have to talk about a debt with me Tohsaka," Shirou said. "I'm helping you sincerely because I love helping people, so you don't have any debt to me."

"Shirou who is this girl?" Asked Saber who weirdly look jealous because of Shirou affection to Rin.

"She is the most beautiful student in my school who always have the highest score in exam, every student in the school is admirer her including me," Answered Shirou. "Well except for Issei who weirdly always have a suspicious to her and say to me that her idol persona was only a mask to cover real personality."

When Shirou said that he is admirer of Rin, Saber face is look more angry and Rin face became a bit red but quickly she going back to her cool persona and then said:

"I'm flattered by the fact that you admired me, Emiya-kun. But don't think I'm feel happy that you admired me! Because in the school we rarely talk with each other and obviously that we aren't a friend, Hmmp!"

Rin tsundere nature is came out to cover her happiness that came to her after she heard that the boy she loved so much is admired her.

"N-Now Emiya-kun can you tell me, how much you know about the Holy Grail War?" Asked Rin.

'It's still funny to see, Rin showing her tsundere behaviour in front of me,' Shirou said inside his heart. 'Well even though I didn't like had to lie to Rin, but I don't have a choice in this case.'

"Well Saber only told me the basic of it, about how the seven Servant and Master will be compete in a survival even to obtain the Holy Grail so the winner wish will be granted."

"Well because you already now the basic let me tell you more detail about the Holy Grail War," Rin said.

"But before I explain everything, can you invite me to your house Emiya-kun? The night is already come and It's quite cold outside, so it will be better if I explain the detail about the Holy Grail War inside your house."

Shirou is chuckled and trying his best to not laugh when he saw Rin who already wearing her red coat can still feel cold because the skirt she was wearing is too short.

He letting Rin in inside his house and then walking behind her while he still try to holding back his laughter. And Saber walking beside him with her eyes still gazing at Rin.

Meanwhile behind Shirou, Archer who was in invisible mode. Feel a bit suspicious to Shirou because he attacking Lancer from far away not charging like a bull like he usually do.

'There is something wrong with this Emiya Shirou, and I will found out what is wrong with him!' Archer said with a determinated tone.


"Shirou even though I can feel any bad intention from her, but you musn't let your guard down!" Saber said in whisper. "Who know if she have a hidden intention to do something bad."

"Saber I knew that you only want to protect me," Shirou said with warm smile on his faces. "But you don't have to be overprotective to me like that, because I'm sure that Rin will not doing anything to me right now. Because right now she just only want to explain to me about the Holy Grail War in more detail."

Saber pouted her mouth because of Shirou words, She doesn't like the fact that Shirou is trusting Rin too much like that. But because she cannot do to change Shirou mind she can only silent right now.

When everyone is arrived at the Emiya Residence, the garden of Emiya Residence is very messy because of the fight between Saber and Lancer, and also a couple of the glass of the window is also broken because of that fight.

Rin who noticed the mess at the Emiya Residence, immediately use her basic Magecraft to fix the mess and in instant the mess is gone. And everything is back to what it use to be.

"Now the mess is fixed and everything is back to a clean state," Rin said feel proud to the result of her works. "I don't really like a messy place!"

"Wow thank you so much Tohsaka!" Shirou said while hugging Rin quite tightly. "You really helping me by fixing those mess that appear because of the fight between Saber and Lancer."

"I-I don't mind helping you, Emiya-kun. But please don't hug me so tighty like that," Rin said with a blushing faces because she didn't expect that Shirou would hug her like that. "You making me cannot breath!"

Shirou sudden action making Rin feel shocked while Saber feel angry and jealous even though she herself confused why did she feel like that to Rin.

"Sigh, Emiya-kun aren't you supposed to be able to doing something like that by youself?" Asked Rin who feel abit relieved cause her breath is became normal once again.

"To tell you the truth Tohsaka, I cannot do the Magecraft that you just doing," Answered Shirou while rubbing the back of his head.

"I-Impossible that Magecraft was one of the basic of the basic!"

Rin feel very shocked by Shirou answer, she didn't expext that Shirou cannot do some basic Magecraft like that.

"Well then what kind of Magecraft that you really good at Emiya-kun?" Asked Rin with a tone that full of curiousity.

"The Magecraft that I'm mastered is the Projection magic or Gradation Air, Structural Analysis and lastly Reinforcement," Answered Shirou with a smile.


"You can only use three kind of Magecraft and one of them is the most useless one Gradation Air?" Rin said in shock. "You gotta be kidding me, how you can summon Saber then if you only knew three kind of magic."

"Hmmm my old man Kiritsugu is telling me about the Holy Grail War before his death even though not in detail," Shirou said lying to Rin even though he didn't like it. "He also explaining about the Command Seal that will appear when someone has chosen as a Master at the War, he told me the way to Summon Saber through the magic circles that he draw in the shed of Emiya Residence right one years before his dead."

"Well atleast your dead was explaining about how to summon a Servant," Rin said sighed once again.

Archer who still invisible, can feel that his younger self was lying and hide something big. And he decide that he need his younger self more carefully so he can found out what kind of secret that his younger self is hiding.

In the dining Room right after Shirou is done preparing a tea for Rin and Saber.

"You are already now about the basic right? Like the three Command Seal function and about the 7 Masters that compete in Survival event to win the Holy Grail and let your wish to be fullfilled," Rin explain while drinking the tea that Shirou prepared for her. "But are you knew about what Servant is?"

"No, I actually didn't knew what Servant is," Shirou lying. "Can you explain to me Tohsaka?"

"Servant was a copy of Heroic Spirit or hero from the legend that summoned from the Throne of Heroes, a human being that was recognized by their great feats in their life and after they die they was reside on the Throne of Heroes because of what their accomplished," Rin explained. "Now Emiya-kun are there ia other thing that you want to ask to me?"

"Yeah, right what is the true purpose the survival event like the Holy Grail War was held?" Asked Shirou. "I'm really confused why someone want to held a survival event to win a all powerful granting wish device every fifty or sixty years that never had a winner after four time. Aren't that weird that even after four time there is no winner who had their wish granted?"

Rin was shocked by Shirou question even she as the Fuyuki Owner she only knew that the her Ancestor one of the originator of the Holy Grail War want to reach the Root of everything. But if she thinking about the war once again more carefully after being held for a four time there is still no a clear winner that was weird and suspicious indeed.

"I cannot answer your question right now, Emiya-kun," Answered Rin after she gulping the last of tea that Shirou prepared for her. "Because right now we must go to see the overseer of the war to report that the last Master has ben choosen."

Because right now Shirou summoning Saber with the right way, Saber can made herself invisible like Archer and walk beside Shirou and Rin. (Well I made this reason for this story, Saber herself actually doesn't have that ability because she was a living Servant)

And when Shirou and Rin arrived at the Kotomine Church, Shirou became angry in an instant. Because the person who responsible for the Fuyuki fire was reside in the church. He really want to lift the seal of Archer left arm and using it power to kill Kirei. But Shirou knew that if do that it only will made a trouble for him and the people he loved, so Shirou decide to held back his emotion and became patience.

"Hey, Kirei I brought the last Master with me,"

Rin then calling her guardian name, and right after that the Church door opened automaticly and the man who became overseer of the war that can be seen standing in the front of the altar.

And that man name was Kotomine Kirei.

"I Welcome, you the seventh Master my name is Kotomine Kirei." Kirei said with a fake smile on his faces. "To my humble Church."

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