Chapter 6 - Vs Berserker

"Von Einzbern!?" Rin shouted. "So finally the member of one of the founder of the Holy Grail War beside Tohsaka, finally appear, huh?"

"Tohsaka did you know her?" Asked Shirou who pretend that he didn't know anything about Illya.

"I didn't know anything about her, but I indeed knew a bit of information about her family," Aswered Rin. "That little girl came from the Family of Magi that reside in Germany, the Einzbern was one of the family founder of the Holy Grail War beside Tohsaka and Makiri and her family has always send a member of the family into every Holy Grail War."

"So she is a Master of this war too and the giant that she sitting on was her Servant," Shirou said. "And that Servant was a very strong Servant too, cause I can feel pressure when I looking at him."

In the second chance that he got, he will never let Illya try to sacrified herself once more. As one of the most precious people for him, Shirou made a promises to himself to let not Illya to dies!

"Your instinct is very sharp Onii-chan, but my purpose by became a Master is not to get the Grail," Illya said with a horrible smile on her faces. "The Grail was secondary, because my main goal is to kill you! And I already wait for this day for a very long time! Berserker! Kill him!"

Heracles, the demi god, the son of Zeus, the world strongest human, the grey man have many names, and right now the eight foot giant is about to kill Shirou.

The giant was roaring, and the sound of his roar is hurting the ear for everyone who hearing it. His giant step making the asphalt cracking and the giant is ready to chop Shiroi neck with his weapon.

"Shirou!!" Saber said while try to protect her Master from Berserker attack. She blocking the swing of the giant and her body is sliding back to the ground because of Berserker physical strength that much more poweful than Saber power.

And for the first time is her life finally Saber meet someone who have a physical strength that much more powerful than herself.


Saber and Berserker was clashing their weapon for more than a hundred time in about thirty second. They are parrying, blocking, and slashing as the result of their fight the tree, the asphalt, the wall of some building is destroy even a cars that parked not that far from the place of their fight became the victim of their clash. Saber and Berserker fight is stalemate for about two minutes but, Berserker who have superior strength. Bit by bit is pushing Saber, forcing Saber to strengthem her strike using magic. Saber strike making a big impact on Berserker giant body, and he was flying to the air because of Saber strike. But because of his instinct, he can fix his posture in the air and then landing safely about twenty meters from Saber.

The intense fight between Saber and Berserker was something that Shirou already seen before but in a higher level. Because at that time, Saber became a corrupted Servant that have a higher level power than the current Saber.

"It was really are a miracle that your Saber can fight evently againts Berserker," Rin said who really jealous to Shirou because he got the Servant that she want. "You are really lucky Emiya-kun that you had a chance to summon her."

"Lucky or not, Saber chance to wins againts Berserker was very thin," Shirou said. "We must to think a way to help her."

"Are you crazy Emiya-kun!" Rin shouted. "Did you think that our strength was enough to help Saber againts a monster like Berserker!"

"Of course not, we both aren't strong enough to go againts that giant," Shirou said who realized from the beginning that he hand no chance to wins againts Berserker. "But I want to help her with another way, that will give Saber a chance to win againts Berserker."

"Whatever you want to do to help Saber, I knew that it would be dangerous. So there is no way I would let you try to do it!" Rin grab Shirou palm and then pulling him to go from that places. "We better go Emiya-kun, we can be only a hindrance to Saber if we stay here."


"Tohsaka! There is no way, I will let my Servant to fight alone! Let go of my hand!" Shirou said while trying to let go of Rin hand from his palm.

"Shut up!" Rin shouted to Shirou. "Like I said before, we can only just became a hindrance for her if we try to help, so let's run away while Saber hold that monster and them you can summon Saber to you using a Command Seal!"

Shirou didn't care about what Rin said to him, because for him the most important thing is to save his beloved Servant and because of that Shirou force Rin to let go of his palm by Reinforcement and then tracing a bow and Berserker Nine Live Blade Works that he change into an arrow.

Rin shock by what Shirou doing, she did not explain that Shirou will overwhelm her like that and then showing something that she never see all her life.

"To beat Heracles, it can be only done by his own weapon!" Shirou shouted while preparing to shoot out the Nine live Blade Works to Berserker.

"How did you know that Berserker was Heracles Onii-chan!" Illya said with a shock expression on her faces because she didn't expect that Shirou can guess the true identity of her Servant.

"That was a secret that I will never revealed to you Illya-chan," Shirou said while smiling. "A magician will never reveal his secret!"

"Well its no matter if you knew about Berserker real identity or not, because as the demi god and the greatest hero of the ancient Greece, your effort to beat Berserker will be useless," Illya said.

"Well will see that my effort will be useless or not Illya-chan," Shirou said smiling to Illya. "Right after I shoot out my arrow to him!"

"Saber! Go away!" Shirou shouted while preparing his bow and arrow. "I will attack him with my arrow, so go away so you will not hit by my arrow!"

Saber nodded and then jump to another place.

As soon as Saber is gone, He shoot out an arrow that hit right to Berserker body.


A big explosion was occured right after the arrow that made from the Nine live Blade Works hit Berserker body and after that a blood splatter out around the cratwr that was made after the explosiom has ocurred. Half of Berserker body was destroyed because of Shirou crazy attack that made his body got an internal wound.

"Emiya-kun/Shirou, all you allright!" Saber and Rin said who already standing beside Shirou limping body. Because both of them feel worried about him.

"I'm allright Tohsaka, Saber," Shirou said coughed a large amount of blood. The internal wound that he had because of the recoil shooting out the Nine live Works is really severe. It's a miracle that he is still alive. After badly wounded like that. A nano machine inside his body also already healing his wound albeit slowly. "My body just have a little wound after having a recoil shooting out the weapon of Berserker."

"Why did you think by doing something dangerous like rhat Emiya-kun!" Rin shouted with a tears that came out of her eyes, even though she doesn't realize it. "Are you want to make me and Saber having a heart attack!"

"She was right Shirou!" Saber said scolding Shirou. "Pleade don't make us worry like that!"

"You took down two Berserker live with just one attack!" Illya said in a shocking tone. "How did you can do something like that!"

"Like I said before Illya-chan," Shirou said with a smile on his faces. "A magician will never reveal his secret."

"Tcch whatever," Illya said with annoying look on her faces. "Lets go Berserker, it's no use for us to stay here, we will kill Onii-chan right after his wound is gone."

Illya walking to Berserker who already regenerated and them disappear with him.

After that, Shirou was pass out and then falling to Rin and Saber embrace. Because his body already passed his limits.

Worried about Shirou condition, Rin and Saber then decide to bringing Shirou back to the Emiya Residence so that they can check his wound and then treating it. They both didn't want to lose the man that very precious to them.

In the top of the high building about three miles away from the location where Saber and Berserker was fighting. Archer feel shocked after he saw his younger self that he wan to kill so much. Using Tracing, something that his younger self supposed to be cannot do.

And that tracing making Archer feel more suspicious to his younger self.

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