Chapter 43 - Longinus Spear

Tohsaka Rin (Archer wife) once having a very big ambitions and that ambitions was to won the Holy Grail War and then reach the Root to gain all the knowledge about Magecraft in the world. But that ambition was change when she knew about the ugly truth of the Holy Grail War.

She and her partner Shirou Emiya succed in revealing the truth about the fifth Holy Grail War and stop the corruption of the Holy Grail War forever. After that she and Shirou having a nice life together then wed together and even having a twin kid. But everything was changed when Shirou her husband making a stupid pact with a she devil called Alaya only to save a lot of people in one of his mission.

Because of that the relationship between she and her husband was destroyed and her husband became a slave of Counter Force. Rin knew that her husband are making a pact with Alaya so he can save a lot of people. But Rin knew really well that her husband who have very bad altruism doing all of that for his own pleasure not because of love.

She sometimes confused what has happen to her husband in the past that making him having an addict to saving a people?

After she doing a lot of investigation for years with the help of her teacher, Zelretch. Finally she realized one thing that she never realized all this time. The thing that was really oblivious to the point she feel ashamed to herself.


She realized that the Servant that she summoned by her was her own husband. She feel so stupid that she cannot realizing it sooner. But because of this finally Rin made a decision that she will save her husband from Alaya cluth, and made her once happy families complete once more.

So she asking her little sister Sakura to take care of her twin child and then she was starting her journey in the multiverse to search for her husband and also to found a way to save her husband.


Tohsaka Rin was waking up in her room inside the Emiya Residence. She can feel her body feel really sores and hurt everywhere, she knew that her body feel like that because she spend a lot of energy and power to save her little sister. But she didn't expect that her body will feel that hurt, she didn't feel saving her little sister from the worms that was implanted by Zouken Matou inside her little sister body. But she just hoping that the side effect after she save her little sister will not feel that hurt.

She was sitting on her bed after having a hard time and then drinking the water from the glass on the table beside her bed. She was feel refreshed and after that she try to standing, but she found out that her leg was not having any power. Rin gritted her teeth because of that, cause once more she must having a hard time.


"To think you will have something this divine that not even my Unlimited Blade Works cannot copied, I really apreciated your effort to save me, Rin," Archer said while grapping the Longinus spear in his hand. "With this spear I can kill Alaya and then free from her grasp forever."

"Shirou that spear maybe can kill Alaya, but for now we cannot kill her immediately. Because her existence is rooted to deeply in this world, it will start a trouble for a humanity if we try to kill her now, so I think for now let just use the spear to cut the connection between you and Alaya," Adult Rin said with a sigh. "Beside that even with Second Magic it hard for me to go to the dimension where she lived."

"Tssk, that bitch was really thinking a lot of way to save herself from death," Archer said while gritting her teeth. "Oh, well atleast I can use this spear to cut my connection with Alaya. That also can be considered as a good thing for me. But Rin how I use this spear to cut my connection with Alaya? I can feel my connection with that bitch, but how can I cut a spiritual connection like that? Are I must to use this spear like Caster use a Rule Breaker?"

"Sighed, Shirou you must look at your self on the mirror and then use your Structural Analysis to scan your self to found where Alaya bind you after that then you can use the Spear to cut that bind!"


"Ah, that made sense," Archer said. "But my body right now is not a real life body you know, are you sure that this spear will works on me?"

"Ah, I forget about that," Adult Rin said with a blush. "I totally forget that even thought you are a true 'Emiya' that was summoned right from the Throne of Heroes you still a spirit that didn't have a real body. Don't worry Shirou! I already prepared the best body that was made based on your DNA and something else! I assure you that your new body was really strong, because I also using a body that was made with my DNA and another thing that I use to forge your new body!"

"You also using a new body?" Asked Archer. "Why did you doing something like that!"

"Shirou, are you think searching a way to freeing you from Alaya didn't need a lot of time!" Adult Rin replied. "It need hundred of years for me to find it, so of course I need a new and stronger body that can withstand the curse of time."

Archer feel so sad seeing his wife must trought a lot of suffering only to save him. To the point she abandoned her real body so she cannot aging. And what Archer want to know is, what is the ingredients that Rin use to made her new body.


Rin feel irritated with the condition of her body who she cannot moves like she want. She try to call Archer to help her, but weirdly her Servant didn't respond to her call at all. She try to shouted and call Shirou to help her, but her throat is still soaring, so she cannot shouted at all.

Right when she feel so desperate, the sliding door to her room was opened and the men she loved was appear in front of her bringing a tray that have a food with him.

"Ah, I didn't think that you already wake up Tohsaka," Shirou said while smiling. "Thank good ness then, the rice porridge that I made for you will not wasteful."

Seeing Shirou, Rin feel really happy. Her stomach is feel really hungry and at first she want Archer help so that she can walk to the kitchen so she can eat or atleast asking Archer to bringing her a food. But because Shirou already bringing her a rice porridge she didn't need to call for Archer or shouting.

"T-thank you Emiya-kun," Rin said with a blush. "I'm feel really hungry after just sleeping for a long time you was came in a right time."

Rin taking the porridge from the tray and try to eating it. She eating slowly and steadly, even though she feel really hungry, she didn't want to eat in hurry because it was not good for her stomach.


After finishing her food, Rin can feel that her power is back. And even her body who are still feel sore after helping Sakura already healed. She feel really confused why with only eating a rice porridge her body are going back to normal in an instant. She want to ask Shirou how Shirou can make that kind of food, but she decide she asking that question later. Because there is more important question that she want to ask to Shirou.

"Hey, Emiya-kun how is Sakura condition?" Asked Rin. "Are she was okay after we took out the worm crest inside her body?"

"She's okay," Shirou replied. "Right now, Rider was take care of her. I think maybe she already wake up."

"She already wake up! You loved her very much right! Why did you didn't go to her and take care of her and why did you here with me and taking care of me!?" Rin feel happy that Shirou taking care of her. But she knew that Shirou had a deep feeling for her little sister, that's why she didn't want to be a third person between her little sister and the men she loved very much.

"Tohsaka, I loved Sakura your little sister that was true," Shirou replied. "But she already taking care by Rider so she will be okay, but you, no one taking care of you because your Servant was busy with something else right now. So I think it's my job to taking care of you, the girl that I loved long before I had a feeling for Sakura."

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