Chapter 55 - Noble Phantasm; Katana of The Ten Concept

Shirou looking at the katana that he just made and he was gulping by looking at the shed that was cut into two part only by a simple swing from the katana. He didn't think that the katana he made can have that kind of power. And because it was a new Noble Phantasm, he didn't know the Noble Phantasm have a great power like that.

"Oops, I think this katana was a bit too strong," Shirou said with a sweat that was dropped from his forehead. "I only swinging it casually but this katana can cut my workshop into a two parts. I think I need to make something to seal the power a bit."

"What is that sound! Are there was an enemies that attacking this house!"

Saber who was hearing the sound of the shed is cut by Shirou was running outside of the main house while wearing her armor and the invisible sword in her hand. Rin plus Sakura and Illya was following her from behind and the three of them also look ready to battle.

Adult Rin plus Archer was sighed when they both seeing Saber, Rin, Sakura and Illya that look ready for battle. They didn't expect that the four girl who was waiting at the main house also hearing the sound of the shed cut into two.

"Emiya Shirou was doing a simple mistake when he just finished in making his personal Noble Phantasm," Archer said answering Saber question. "So the four of you don't have to worried because there is no enemies who are attacking the Emiya Residence."


The four of them feel relieved when they heard Archer words. But when they seeing Shirou shed that was cut into two. They jaws was dropped, because they didn't expect to see something like a shed that was split in the center.

"E-Emiya-kun workshop was cut like that! Wh-what kind of mistake that fool made to the point he destroy his own workshop," Rin said with her eyes twitching.

"Well I think he cannot measure the power of the weapon that he made and while he try to swinging the sword, the power of the sword was strong enough to cut the shed with only a simple swing," Adult Rin said answering the question of her younger counterpart. "He clearly are a fool like my husband here."

"Hey don't talk bad about your own husband like that!" Archer protested. "I'm not a naive fool harem protagonist like my younger self you know because when I was still alive, I only married to you and lost my virginity with you in the Holy Grail Wars!"

"Heh, you can say something like that after you die and became a Counter Guardian. If you didn't become the Counter Guardian, I think in the rest of your life you will still be a naive fool that want to became a superhero!" Adult Rin said while mocking her own husband. "You are lucky that I love you so much, and want to make you free from that bitch goddess Alaya. Or I will not try to searching for you and try to save you."


Shirou who heard a lot of noise outside of the shed, decide too see why there was a lot of voice outside his workshop. Right after he done doing his first attempt to make his own Noble Phantasm.

After he going outside of the shed, he can see all the tenant of the Emiya Residence was having a conversation. Except for the two homunculus Sella and Leysritt who are staying at the main house.

"What all of you are doing outside my workshop?" Asked Shirou while grapping his new katana on his right hand. "If all of you having a conversation with a loud noise like that, our neighbour will be disturbed you know."

"Ooh shut up!" Rin said with a tick mark on her forehead. "We are all appear in front of your workshop you know! Why did suddenly there was very loud sound that came out of your shed! And Why your shed was cutting into two pieces like that! What are you doing to make you shed broken like that!"

"Eeeh, I just finished in making the first prototype of my own Noble Phantams," Shirou said while patting the back of his head. "And I try to swinging the first sword that I just made. But I didn't think the sword have a power to cut my shed into two part with only a simple swing."


"Senpai the katana in your right hand can do something like that?" Asked Sakura in confusion. "How strong the power of that katana?"

"To tell you the truth Sakura, even I my self didn't know how strong this katana is," Shirou replied. "I made this katana using the Denial of Nothingness, Projection magecraft, reinforcement and also my own imagination. And the result was this katana who I my self didn't know what kind of power that will appear on the sword, but Ithink this sword have a ten kind of powers according to my desire."

"A sword with ten powers!" Saber shouted with a shocking expression on her faces. "Shirou that was incridible! Even though you yourself didn't know about the powers of the sword that you just made!"

"Eh, my younger self are you made that katana based on a manga that was called Rave Groove Adventure or RaveMaster? Because I think on that manga there was a sword that can be change into a ten forms that was called the TCM," Archer said with a sweatdrop on his faces. "I my self having a copy of the TCM inside my Unlimited Blade Works. That I copied in the world of Rave when I got a job from Alaya to help Rave Master. But to think you can made a new TCM in steroid, because I can feel that Katana you made have a power that surpass the original TCM."


"Haaaaah! There was a sword who also have a ten powers like a katana that I just made!" Shirou said who feel surprised by Archer revelation. "Are you sure about that Archer! You didn't lie to me right?"

[Younger me! My other self didn't lie to you! There was indeed exist a broad sword that have a ten forms. That sword was exist in the world of sword and magic to destroy an evil magical stone call dark bring, one day I have a job from Alaya to help the Rave Master the owner of that sword to train him in the way of sword because his sword skill was to low.]

Archer on Shirou left arms was suddenly talking after Shirou didn't have a conversation with him for about five to six days. And Shirou was sure that 'Archer' on his left arms was waking up because he made his own Noble Phantasm.

"Sigh, if you didn't believe me then let me show you the TCM," Archer said while tracing the TCM in his left hand. "This broadsword in my right hand was the TCM, a sword that had ten shapes with ten different power."

Shirou eyes automaticly analized the broadsword and in an instant he understand everything about the sword and he finally can found the broadsword inside his Reality Marble.

But what make Shirou feel suspicious and surprised about the broadsword was the jewel shaped sword that embedded on that broadsword.


The jewel history was very absurd to Shirou. Archer cannot copying the jewel perfectly because of the limit of his projection magic. But Shirou can make the jewel and the broadsword perfectly because of his Denial of Nothingness. And he gain a lot of infomation from that sword and jewel that he can use to improve the quality of his own Noble Phantasm.

"That sword was insane Archer," Saber said with a serious look on her faces. "I can feel a lot of power from that sword especially from the jewel that embedded in that sword."

"I can copy the sword close to the original in terms of power," Archer said with a sigh. "But the jewel is a different case, because that jewel was an item that was close to a divine construct so I can only copying about ten percent of it original power. The jewel was made by a very powerful witch who have magical power on Ex Class. Something that I cannot have no matter what."

"The Ten Command a sword that was made by Galein Musica for the Rave Master Siba. It have a power to change into ten different sword, Eisen Meteor, Explosion, Silfarion, Rune Save, Blue Crimson, Mel Force, Gravity Core, Million Sun, Sacrifar and the last is Star Raver. It was a very destructive sword if someone can using it power to the max," Shirou said who are saying the result of his analize automaticly. "A sword that fit for a hero that want to save the world from an evil enemies."

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