Chapter 82 - The World of Doraemon 11

"Copying the fourth dimension pocket plus all the cheap gadget inside of it? Rin are you out of your mind! The fourth dimension pocket who can keep limitless item are really hard to made even if I using my Denial of Nothingness! And now you also want me to copying the gadget too? Are you out of your mind! I maybe good in fixing electronic equipment! But making a perfect copy of a future gadget will be need a lot of time!

Because my basic element was sword, iron and fire it will be easy for me to make a weapon like a sword, arrow, or spear.

But making an item other than a weapon was quite hard even though I can still making it by using the Denial of Nothingness but the time I needed to make it was very long. So no Rin, I will not making all the Gadget from Doraemon from dimension pocket! I will only copying the most useful one for us to use because most of the gadget are useless piece of shit!"

Shirou words are making Rin pouting, but she knew if her husband already make an important decision it would be very hard for her to change Shirou mind. So she can only giving up for what she want.

"Urrgh if that's what you want I cannot do anything about it, because only you who can make Doraemon gadget by using the Denial of Nothingness."

Rin sighed, but deep inside her mind she already made a decision to force Shirou in making the time cloth, and the anywhere door. The two Doraemon gadget she think the most useful.


"Sigh if only Shirou want to make all the gadget inside Doraemon fourth dimension pocket it would be very helpful in my research of the future gadget! But atleast he still want to make a useful gadget for us to use."

Rin was still feel a bit disappointed with Shirou decision. But she cannot do anything about it because Shirou is the want who have Denial of Nothingness.

"Nee-san don't be greedy like that, it was already a good thing Shirou-Senpai want to make the gadget and the fourth dimension pocket. The gadget inside Doraemon was thousand in number, so if you force Senpai to made all of that it was a bit unfair for Senpai because you giving him too much work!"

Sakura didn't like her older sister greed because her greed sometimes making a problem for Shirou and her.

"Sakura all of the gadget inside Doraemon pocket was a treasure of reseach even the useless one! So It was the right thing to have all the gadget for the purpose of research! Beside that Sakura, you already Shirou wife too alongside with me, Illya, Rider and Saber! And why you stubbornly still call Shirou as Senpai!"

Rin was feel disturbed by the way, Sakura called Shirou. Because right now they aren't a teenager anymore even though they still had the appearance of a teenager.


"No matter what you said to me Nee-San I would not call our husband by using another way! Because for me Shirou-Senpai will always be my Senpai even if he already become our husband! I will feel weird if I start to calling him by using another way! Beside Senpai himself was didn't mind if I still calling him Senpai except for a few occasion like in public because it will be to embarrasing for me and him if I calling him a Senpai in public and also in important event and party."

Rin jaws was dropped when she heard Shirou was did not mind calling Senpai all the time by Sakura. Rin knew Shirou are treated Sakura a bit different from the rest of his wife. But to think he spoiled Sakura as worse as her making Rin feel a bit shocked.

"It look like Shirou was spoiled you a bit too much Sakura," Rin said with a sigh for the third time in a day. "But I don't think he spoiled you this much!"

"Nee-san you are his first wife, true love and also the one he loved the most among all of us. So please let me be spoiled by him a bit because I doesn't have a privilige you have as his first wife!"

Sakura at first cannot accepting the fact that Shirou was loving Rin more than her. But finally she can accepting it after a very long talk between her and Shirou, so she will not let Rin, ruining the intimate moment she had with Shirou.


In Arturia room, Shirou and Arturia was doing their activity as a husband and wife.

In the first time they are doing a s*x as a husband and wife Shirou want to showing Arturia he was the superior one at bed but because Arturia was more superior in a strength. The one who more superior was Arturia and not Shirou so after they both doing about ten round of s*x without stopping at all, Shirou almost losing all of his stamina while Arturia want to doing a s*x for twelve more session. But sadlly because he already didn't have stamina to doing it, Arturia can only pouting in the corner of the bed because her husband was not as strong as her.

So now everytime Arturia and Shirou want to have a S*x, Shirou didn't forget to reinforce himself using a Magecraft plus drinking ten bottle of stamina drink. So that he can keep up with Arturia stamina.

Because Shirou didn't want to lose his pride as a man and husband on the bed.

"Oii, Shirou are you think Rin would be okay because of your rejection to her wish?" Asked Arturia. "Because you usually granted everything she want even if her wish was very weird."

"She will be allright, Arturia. And the reason I reject her wish this time because her wish was too much! If she asking me to make one gadget then I wouldn't mind in making it! But this time she asking me to make thousand gadget! That was beyond my capabilities!" Answered Shirou with angry tone. "She maybe my main wife but that doesn't mean she can get anything she want from me!"


"Ooi Nobita! Are you ready to become this Takeshi-Sama punching bag! Because this Takeshi-Sama was really want to hit someone right now because this Takeshi-Sama are just having a bad incident yesterday!"

Once again in the early morning at the school Suneo and Takeshi are cornering Nobita because they had a plan to make him a punching bag to relieving their stress.

And Nobita can only sighing seeing the two stupid little kid who never learn from experience at all. If he want Nobita can easily kill Suneo and Takeshi without their even realizing they already die or he also can making them his personal punching bag.

But sadly Nobita did not want to do something like that, because for him if he try to kill them or making them having a lot of bruises. It only wasting his time and breath because for Nobita, Suneo and Takeshi was more useless and weaker than the mob he fought when he still lives in America.

"The two of you can use other people as a punching bag, but why the two of you always choose me as the punching bag. Both of you are much more weaker than me in term of speed, strength and stamina. are you sure the two idiots like you want to punch me!?"


"We choose you as a punching bag, because you are weak, stupid, and a coward! You are even not as tall as this Takeshi-Sama! So don't talk big like you are stronger than this Takeshi-Sama!"

Nobita did not believe by what he heard from Takeshi mouth. Because his body are clearly more taller than the stupid gorilla! But why Takeshi are still saying he is the one who are taller than him.

Takeshi than try to punch Nobita while Suneo are grabbing Nobita body from behind. But suddenly Nobita was disappear from Suneo graps and the one who accepting Takeshi punch was Suneo.

Suneo body was dropped to the ground with a very severe nosebleed. While Takeshi can feel the finger of his right hand are having a serious injury because he was punching Suneo too hard. And right when Takeshi punching Suneo right in his faces, there was a teacher who seeing it. So right now Takeshi was being punished by the teacher while Suneo was are treated by the nurse in infimary.

Nobita was standing at the roof of the school building with a sigh while seeing what has happen to the two idiots. He think he need to do something with them or they will keep pestering him and then disturbing the peaceful life on school he really want to have. For Nobita peaces was the best thing in the world especially for his own peaceful life.