Chapter 89 - Arifureta World 4

The summoning event was happened so quick to the point no one in the classroom had a time to go outside of the class. Shirou and all his wife of course can go outside of the class during the summoning event by using their Magecraft. But they did not want to do that because they are want to go to the Isekai Tortus to learn a new magic.

All the student at those class was panic because they did not know what has happen right now. And after about thirty second has passes the summoning event are finally stopped, and all the student in the class plus one homeroom teacher is disappear from the class.

When Shirou was opened his eyes, he found out that he was waking up at the very giant hall who was made from a stone. Shirou can feel the magical energies in the air was very abundant and more plentiful even more than the magical energies in his home world. He even can feel that the restriction on his Magecraft was non existence as if the place where he was at right now are the world who was still in the Age of gods.

Rin who was also waking up beside Shirou have the same expression as Shirou, because she also feel the same feeling that Shirou had.

Arturia, Sakura, Illya and Rider also had the same feeling with Rin and Shirou. The places with abundant magical power was a heaven for a Magus like them.


Shirou knew soon or later all the student beside him and all of his harem member would be waking up. So before they can waking up, Shirou using a simple hypnosis magic he can use that he learn from Archer so that all the student would be sleep atleast a couple more hours. Beside Shirou, Rin are making a Bounded Field around the hall that will make the people outside the hall confused and did not want to go inside the hall.

"Hmm Bounded Field already set up and all the student plus Aiko-Sensei wouldn't waking up atleast for about two more hours after Shirou using the hypnosis. So I think we can start our plan now," Rin said while stretching her body. "Oii, Illya according to you, the Protagonist Hajime Nagumo wouldn't have any affinity to any element right? And his job was a synergist a crafter. And in a couple of weeks he will be going down from the cliff because of the magic attack from Hiyama Daisuke the bullyist. What we can do to atleast change the plot of the story a little bit? Because from the story of this world that I heard from you if we let Hajime Nagumo to become depressed at the abyss then he will make a chaos in the real world."

"I had a very good plan to change everything, to change the fate of Hajime Nagumo a bit and the most important thing is not to let him meet with Shia Haulia the rabbit tribe girl. I did not know why but I never like her as a character and I had a bad feeling that she is one of the factor that will affect Hajime Nagumo to become chaotic neutral person with insane god complex."


"Because all the power and all the suffeing he got in the abyss, the is no way he wouldn't become a person with god complex. Plus with all the power ans skill he got, is easy for him to controlled by the power and skill he have. I did not become crazy after I gained all the power I have thanks to Archer who teach me control my power and not the opposite and also because all of you. If I did not have all of you maybe I will ended up like him. So to make Hajime Nagumo have less suffer I think I have a really good plan and it was star by changing Hiyama Daisuke Job as a simple villager, giving Hajime Nagumo more affinity in magic so atleast he got some confidence or maybe taking All Elemental Affinity from Amanokawa Kouki and giving it to Hajime as a joke and then change the stupid Hero job into a clown Hero so the plot of the story will be more funny and interesting. With the gadget that we have from Doraemon world I modified a bit plus a Magecraft I can do all the thing I just said."

Shirou words making Illya laughing so hard, while the other girl did not know how to react to Shirou words.


"Onii-chan you idea was great, but I think giving only Villager job to Hiyama Daisuke the bullyist was a bit too kind to him. Let's change he and three friend job with a job that fit their criteria as an idiot. Let's giving them a job as a sissy slut who love to wears a girl outfit when they trying to use their job!"

Illya hate to Hiyama and his three friend was so intense to the point giving a really awful suggestion to Shirou.

"That was a really good idea, Illya. I was very agree with you! By giving them a sissy slut job their will realized about how awful their fate in this world is!"

Rin who also hate Hiyama Daisuke was feeling really happy with Illya suggestion.

"I'll agree with Nee-Sama!" Sakura said.

"Me too!" Arturia said.

"Same with me!" Rider said.

"Well because all of you was agree with

Illya suggestion, let's change their job to a Sissy slut. Next is the Hero, Amanokawa Kouki what kind of job we will give to him, because if we change his Hero job I think the story will become more chaotic and Ehito would be suspicious with our existence. Amanokawa Kouki was a vessel for Ehito and the reason why we all are here so if we change his job aside from Hero then Ehito would become suspicious and he will realize there was something not right, and don't want those fools fake gods to feel suspicious at all."


"Well that was right, changing his job into another job aside from Hero will make Ehito feel suspicious. And Shirou before you said you want to change his job into a Clown Hero right? What kind of job was that?" Asked Rin.

"Hmm? It was Hero job that was quite strong, even more stronger than ordinary Hero. But as a payment for more power, sometimes his attack will make a funny effect like his sword change into a ballon sword or his magic attack turn into a convetti if his luck was low the the chance his attack doing a funny effect will be more higher. And the more funnier the person who had this job was the more stronger he is. But Amanogawa Kouki was a very serious and dense person without any sense of humour so I think by giving him job a Clown Hero from Circus Online Kouki will become a funny thing for us to watch a really good source of entertainment."

Shirou idea about Kouki was accepted easily by all of his wife. And no one among them who not agree with him. Because all of them are did not like Kouki at all who are having a very thwarted sense of justice and always think that he is the most righteous person in the world. So for them giving Kouki a Clown Hero job was a very right thing to do.


"The next one in our class we need to change it job was Eri Nakamura and Shimizu Yukitoshi. Eri Nakamura has a very high aptitude with her job as a Necromancer as well Shimizu Yukitoshi with his job as a Beast Tamer, let's give both of them a useless job who are not dangerous!" Illya said while pointing out another two person who will become an Antagonist. "Onii-chan did you have an idea about what kind of new job that fit for the two of them."

"Eri Nakamura, the girl with an unhealthy amount obsession with Amanokawa Kouki. Because the fool was save her once in the other words she was a Yandere while Shimizu Yukitoshi was just a stupid Otaku that have a high hopes to get summoned to isekai let's give Eri Nakamura job as Clown Hero Wife a job that make sure she can taking care the Clown Hero with utmost care a very harmless job. The only downside of this job is Eri Nakamura would always wearing a jester girl outfit plus an apron she cannot wear another costumes beside this and her obssesion with Kouki will increased million fold and she will die if she was far away from Kouki more than twenty meters. While the job that fit fore Shimizu was a bard, in a fight instead of fighting he will become a narrator and the commentator of the fight and if the level of their job is increased the suffering that appear because of their job will only more intense."

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