First Battle (3)

Ryder said, "Oh my god."

Smith said,"F*** you."

They charged over almost at the same time.

The lolita screamed as Li Xianyu heard the movement behind him. As soon as he got up and looked back, he got kicked in the chest and a hint of blood surged in his throat. The man who kicked him had just landed, and the next man continued, and an elbow hit him in the face. Li Xianyu reacted very quickly and blocked the strike with his arms defending his chest.

Bang! There was a dull thud.

The man did not retreat an inch, while Li Xianyu slid out several meters, and barely stood firm.

"It's you?" Ryder recognized him, and his rage burned stronger.

Isn't this kid the yellow pig who just joked about his sister? He's a scumbag indeed.

"Why the f*** are you hitting me for?" Li Xianyu was furious, and between several breaths, the pain in his arm disappeared. He shook his hand and glared at his opponent.