Li Xianyu’s Glorified Pretence

Lightning King was stunned. Suddenly, he realized that "the man with the big penis" referred to Li Xianyu. He frowned and asked, "What's the matter?"

Tongtong and Li Xianyu were not close with each other, she must have forgotten his name. Like Sanwu, her biggest impression of him was probably his manhood. After all, it was easy to be brainwashed by laughing stocks after a while.

Tongtong whined and said, "The man with the big penis helped me pull out the mouse. They rushed over and hit him. That's too much."

As she complained in tears, she tugged at Lightning King's sleeve and pulled him out of the room.

Lightning King patted her head, motioned for a little peace and quiet, and asked, "Tell me what's going on."