Virtual World

When Li Xianyu woke up, he found himself lying in the ward again. This was a two-people ward. There was a bed next to him. White Lotus Sister laid on the bed, and her eyes, which were always lacking in expression, looked at him quietly.

Li Xianyu unexpectedly saw a trace of concern in her gaze. He shrank into the quilt, and felt exhausted. He was eager to sleep again, trying to remember why he was here. This feeling of "Who am I, where am I, what did I do" felt the same as coming back from death last time.

Li Xianyu's heart jolted. Am I dead again? His brain became clear and his memory came back. He remembered that after dinner, he was attacked by the American dude in the toilet. The two parties had a big fight, and the most primitive collision between flesh began. He fought against a stronger opponent, like David versus Goliath and turned the tide of the battle.

"What's the time now? How long have I slept for?" Li Xianyu asked.