Kowtow And Admit His Mistake

Li Xianyu's adoptive father was very prim and embarrassed. He did not dare to face his wife and daughter. Ooh? Why is my daughter here?

"Han Han, you're here too?" His adoptive father's heart sank. Was this to call his children together and announce a divorce? Is it that serious... If we get divorced, who would our daughter choose?

When he thought of his son's words, he went into despair. What on earth did I do yesterday?

The adoptive father was mending his brain crazily. Suddenly, he saw a happy smile on his wife's face. She had her usual obedient face. This time, it was no exception. She threw herself beside the bed happily. "Old Li, you are awake. How do you feel? Where does it hurt? Han Han, go tell the doctor. "

Eh? Shouldn't it be a slap and followed by the words, "Old bastard, Let's divorce!"

Was this what it looked like?