It Wasn't Me, He Killed Him

The yellow weasel stood on the table, ordering people around arrogantly, like a bratty child that had found support.

"Who the hell do you think you are talking to?" Li Xianyu slapped him and he fell over. He picked up the bottle and slammed the yellow weasel in the head.

"You still dare to hit me now? You are finished, I will let you not get out of the northeast. My ancestor loves me the most!" the yellow weasel screamed and threatened.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"I'm going to skin you and tear your tendons out."

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Big Brother, stop hitting me. We might meet again in the future, don't cross the line."

"Call me Master."

"Master." The yellow weasel unexpectedly had no backbone. After he got a beating, he immediately became obedient. He probably also knew that he met a hotblooded teenager. A smart weasel will concede defeat to avoid more losses.


"I'm a weasel, how am I going to kneel?"