Baby's Heart Is Sorrowful

Li Xianyu pushed the door open, and Great-Grandma was about to follow, but Jie Se stopped her expressionlessly. "Master did not say that he will see you all."

Great-Grandma glanced at him and raised her hand. Once again, a brainwashing tune drifted through his mind. His expression changed slightly. With one hand on his head, he quickly retreated.

"Hmph." Great-Grandma harrumphed and crossed the threshold. Liu Kongchao followed excitedly. He was so agitated that he was shaking with excitement. 

Who could have thought that one day, he could meet Buddha Head at such a close proximity. It was Buddha Head. It was not a celebrity or someone, where one could get tickets to attend a concert.

He was the leader of the orthodox ways and the top master of the demon descendant community. He had lived in seclusion for twenty years. An insignificant junior like him would never have seen Buddha Head in his lifetime