You Have No Weaknesses

"Hey, you know what? Buddha Head has spoken. Whoever wins the first place in the youth category will be tutored for half a year in person by him."

"Well, I won't be the first. Fuck, I'm consumed by envy, jealousy and hate. The tutoring from a Gokudo Path master cultivates victors."

"The most likely ones are Jie Se and Dan Chenzi. If Li Peiyun also comes, he will be counted as one."

"Let's forget Li Peiyun, he's the leader of the Ancient Gods Clan. He won't come to Lianghua temple to surrender himself. Don't underestimate others too. There are many masters within the younger generation."

"Yes, many young people from abroad have also participated in the conference this time."

In the early morning of the opening ceremony of the conference, everyone was talking about one thing. Last night, Buddha Head sent a message to the outside world. Whoever was the champion of the youth category would receive personal guidance from Buddha Head for half a year.