Let's Talk In Private

The yard where Aoki Yui resided in was relatively remote and secluded, with its back against the cliff, on which stood a tall ancient pine tree. Green bricks, black tiles, ancient trees, mystifying peaks, and the scenery of Emei Mountain were enough for the most discerning tourists to enjoy themselves.

Aoki Yui was wearing a cherry kimono and sporting a standard hair style suited for her outfit. She wore a hair ornament that matched the cherry kimono. She was accompanied by the butler holding the wine plates. She walked in the open courtyard, and toasted the guests one by one.

Every man who toasted her, without accident, would gaze at her with an astonishing look in their eyes. This was a woman who shocked all living beings. Even if she didn't actively utilize her powers, her charm still affected the members of the opposite sex around her.

Of the men present, there were about two exceptions.