The Aoki Family’s Secret

In the simply decorated meditation room, Aoki Yui lit the sandalwood. Her movement was elegant and slow, with the quiet temperament of a big family's lady.

The light bulb hanging from the ceiling gave off an orange glow, giving Aoki Yui's flushed face another layer of radiance.

"I don't know if you are used to drinking Japanese sake or not," Aoki Yui muttered softly. She raised her wrist as the sleeves of the kimono slumped downwards. She poured a clear liquid out of the wine flask.

"Does your waist still hurt?" Li Xianyu said with concern. He asked himself, I have no friendship with Aoki Yui, yet she invited me over? What did that mean? Has her repeated climaxes caused her to develop the Stockholm effect?

Aoki Yui immediately stopped as her eyebrows raised. She forced a smile. "What an incredible skill."