Are You Second Child?

A legend just disappeared like that.

The audience's jeering disappeared and was replaced by silence. The determination of the Elder Hua Yu caught everyone by surprise. For a while, people did not know what expression to put on their faces.

The Taoists sighed and closed their eyes.

To say that Elder Hua Yu was evil, they wouldn't agree. In the past few decades, the Liuyun Temple led by Hua Yu had done a lot of things to help the weak and uphold justice. Elder Hua Yu's virtue was also firmly established. If a hypocrite carried out good deeds throughout her life, for what reason could they blame her?

But she was indeed wrong. No matter how many good things she had done, they couldn't offset one evil. She had to pay for her mistakes.

This was Karma. Hua Yu was fated to have this disaster.