
Li Xianyu's last time in the Demonic Priest's memory was yesterday. In his memory, he met sister Taisu again, and along with her, he met many new friends.

At first glance, Li Zhu felt familiar. After a moment of thinking, he realized that Li Zhu was Second Child.

He was quite impressed with Second Child, because in Demonic Priest's memories, Second Child was like an apprentice. He was simple, honest and kind, and he was the only one who awakened his demon blood in the village. Seeing that he had decent talents, the Demonic Priest acted as a mentor and friend, taught him to practice qi, Taoism, and other abilities.

At this moment, Li Xianyu understood a lot of things. After Demonic Priest had died, where did Li Peiyun learn the Tri-Elements Sword Technique? If he was the offspring of Li Zhu, it could be explained. Demonic Priest was not selfish. Since he was willing to teach, he must have given the Tri-Elements Sword Techniques to Li Zhu.