Li Xianyu: Even Buddha Head Will Be Scared Of Me

I won't be on par with him if I fight him face on. It would be useless to attack him. I should attack the cat instead. Eva Carpe's arms were broken just now when she was swept aside by Jie Se. Her combat abilities were crippled. Therefore she didn't plan to fight with Li Xianyu and her objective was merely to stop him from running away. The best way was to break the horse leg, oh no, the cat leg.

At this time, she saw that Li Xianyu raised his left arm, which was as black as ink.

They looked at each other for less than a second in the air. Li Xianyu's eyes were filled with sadism, and Eva Carpe's heart sank.

She thought of one thing, to be exact, another title of Li Xianyu: Woman killer.

She had focused on the charm ability and the powerful fighting power that he had and ignored his left hand. That was unavoidable. If one were to truly examine Li Xianyu's abilities, he really had too many. It was impossible to take all into consideration.