The Door To The Great Deities Palace

"Emperor, how long more shall we wait?"

Protector Right stood at the edge of the steps of the bronze building, looking at the Emperor in the distance.

The two people stood side by side, and the Emperor silently overlooked the ends of the dark brown earth. An ancient sculpture stood quietly, guarding the world for countless years.

Behind them, the bonfire was raging, and there was a large pot supported by metal frames. The water in the pot boiled, and the beef, chicken, mutton, seafood, and various vegetables were churning.

Protector Eagle sat cross-legged in front of the pot. The steaming water mist made her little face drunk and red. Her eyes seemed to twinkle, like a greedy little girl staring at a table of delicious food on Christmas Eve.

That was just her. She was a human being but was more naive than most of the foreign species.