There's nothing that can't be cut in one strike

"I'm done. Let's continue our talk." Li Xianyu sat down seriously and put on his gloves.

Emperor yanzaki took a look and saw a deep cut on his left arm. The cells in the wound squirmed and slowly healed.

So, shouldn't he teach his henchmen a lesson in private after he returned home?

after I heard the news of the great deities Palace, I have always had an idea. Why is it that the number of ancient demons is neither large nor small, but the number is nine? " Emperor Yanqi said.

Li Xianyu wanted to say that there were not only nine ancient demons, but nine of them were at the Dominator level. 'Ancient demon' was just a general term for creatures with special abilities in ancient times. However, Emperor yanzaki was right. Why were there exactly nine rulers?

"After hearing you talk about that treasure, I suddenly felt that my guess might be worth thinking about."

Li Xianyu listened quietly.