Do you believe that there's a physique called "trouble magnet" in the world?

Ancient demons were powerful prehistoric creatures, and it was difficult for ordinary magic weapons to kill them. Even in the chaotic ancient times, it was difficult for them to kill each other.

The human's technology tree was in the present. Perhaps a nuclear bomb could kill them, but li Xianyu suspected that unless they were at the center of the explosion, the ancient demons would die on the spot. The nuclear radiation should be useless to them.

This was the problem with the ancient demons. They were individuals, creatures that could perfectly hide in human society. Even if a nuclear bomb could kill them, who had the confidence to wipe out the land?

Unless the world was annihilated in the Third World War.

Fortunately, all things in the world were mutually reinforcing and restricting. The ancient demons that were born and grew up in the world were not truly invincible.

There were still things in the world that could kill us, such as the sword of Qi!