Cunning child (2)

"Who am I? Who's Yi?"

Dan Yunzi was a Daoist disciple who had formed a nascent soul. Ordinary demon descendants who weren't good at mental power wouldn't be able to capture ruler poisontail's consciousness.

Even after losing their heads, they were still unable to communicate with the outside world. Ancient demons were truly terrifying creatures. They possessed high intelligence, terrifying strength, and terrifying survival abilities. From an evolutionary point of view, it was perfect.

"I'm Dan Yunzi. Don't you remember me, my Lord?" Dan Yunzi tried to communicate with Hui's consciousness and convey his thoughts.

"Dan Yunzi ..." Hegemon poisontail was silent for a long time. And Who am I?"

"You are a hegemon, hegemon poisontail."

"Poison Tail ... A ruler? I don't ..."

Was there something wrong with Yi's condition? was it because his primordial spirit and memories had been destroyed along with his head, so what remained was only his most instinctive will?