
Li Xianyu and great-grandma split up and searched in two different directions.

I saw the Black Dragon swallow a man, who looked a bit like dan Yunzi. Great-grandma said.

"Him?" Li Xianyu frowned and could not suppress his voice. "He's a great threat. We can't let him leave Japan alive. The sealing array is fatal to great-grandma. You can't guard against a thief for a thousand days, and you might fall for it one day."

Great-grandma replied with an " mm.

A threat ... A sealing formation ... Dan Yunzi could vaguely see their conversation. At this moment, his heart almost couldn't be suppressed. His mind was filled with shock.

How did they know that I had mastered the sealing formation? this is an absolutely top secret. I've never revealed such a tendency, and I've never even come into contact with the Li family's grandfather and grandson.



A hundred thousand whys were not enough to express the doubts and shock in dan Yunzi's heart.