I've indeed run out of ideas

The great deities Palace!

In the misty world, li Xianyu and ice shards stood in a huge " deep pit. the stone walls on both sides were covered with burnt marks, and broken eggshells were scattered on the ground.

Some had already been crushed into powder, and the biggest one was still the size of a basin.

"I remember that eggshells mainly consist of calcium carbonate. I wonder what this is." Li Xianyu glanced at her.

Ice shards didn't answer and looked at the broken eggshells on the ground in a trance.

but I don't think it's calcium carbonate, " li Xianyu picked up a piece of eggshell, put it to his nose, and took a deep breath, showing an intoxicated expression."Sister, you deserve to have your name passed down through the ages."

Ice shards moved her gaze to li Xianyu, with confusion.

"Your body fragrance is still so fragrant after tens of thousands of years, tsk tsk."

"Get lost!" Ice shards was angry and kicked the little servant away.