We're here

Li Xianyu's yin God left his body and looked around. The eyes of the three insiders all fell on his body, and they did not notice the existence of the yin God at all.

He stared at the crowd for a few seconds, then gently landed beside great-grandma, lowered his head, and kissed her on the side of her face.

I'll kiss you every time I bring my filial son.

Great-grandma's strategy was too difficult, although it was only interesting. Recently, he had dreamed of his great-grandma lying in his arms with a shy face. He had the characteristics of immortality and a long life. He could have slowly developed feelings for her over time.

If not for the existence of the ruler ...

Therefore, he wanted to kiss her a few more times now so that he wouldn't have any regrets if anything happened in the future.

"Bah, I'm becoming more and more like an old general on stage." Li Xianyu rose with the wind and floated into the distance.