Prelude to Ecstasy

I know when you are done with this story you might ask yourself, "have I been conned into thinking this story was never real?" You might actually sit and say, "This story was way too crazy not to be real. " There is no way she could have made this up." Well folks that is for you to decide.

My name is Carmen Caine. Many people called me Chi growing up because of my middle name, Chiane. And yeah I know Carmen Chiane Caine is a mouthful but hey it was the first thing, besides life, that was given to me. I took honor in my name because to me, it's already hard being African American. What's worse is sitting through class during role call, being completely and utterly embarrassed.You know exactly where I'm going with this. I was blessed to be the black girl without the ghetto name and let's not forget the drawn out, over-the-top spelling. The teacher never had to sound out my name a thousand times before, I got annoyed by it and corrected her pronunciation. I was a very smart kid who read Nancy Drew and All American Girl books. I read the dictionary, drew caricatures, and listened to music when I was bored. You could say I was a true home body at first. But let's be honest here, when you grow up not experiencing the world as you should, and you live mainly inside your head, it is really hard to not fantasize all day. This is what I would love to call Reason One on how the Red Room came into existence. My imagination does play a key role in my efforts to become what most people would consider the biggest controversial whore to ever grace Indianapolis, Indiana. Some placed their eye upon me as if I was some glamorously adored Madame, it would soon shift to a swinger, and then later transform to, "Ain't that the girl that used to.... "

It all started back in my childhood years when I used to watch these commercials of hand soap models. Yeah you heard it right. Everytime I would watch one of those dish washing liquid detergent commercials, of a female's hands gently rubbing soap between her fingers, I would imagine how her fingers playing with my juices would feel like to her instead. Would her grin be more sinister? Would her eye raise a brow? Would her mouth salivate at the stimulating thought of my warmth covering the bottom half of her rosey red cheeks?

I would often catch myself lost in commercials. My eyes would be glued to the television until my granny would come in cutting off the power and yelling about me ignoring her. "I know you heard me callin you lil girl! " Why you sittin so close to the t. v. witcho mouth wide open like that fo? You gone either go blind or you gone let a bug fly right into that mouth. " She would say things like that to me all the time. She often watched me while my mother went to work.

Once upon a time, before Granny stepped in to help, I used to go to a daycare. But daycare's are not always the safest choice for children. I found out the hard way. One of the neighbor's teenagers was always around. She even loved helping to babysit whenever we overpopulated the facility. You could tell she had a sexual past of her own because she liked to play out her memories with me while the others were down for a nap. What she enjoyed the most was me tasting her pussy through her panties, her urging me to keep licking the middle of the white cotton underwear until my saliva soak through enough for her to feel like that barrier wasn't between us at all. She often like showing me different ways I could improve. Let's call this the second reason to my fucked up sex life, Moosie.

Although I am not mainly blaming Moosie for me being a sex addict and bisexual she sure played a key role in introducing me to the difference between my random curious thoughts and bringing the picture of thoughts to life. This experience also awakened my thirst for females. My attraction to the same sex was something I haven't to this day been able to shake. The shy and less experienced is what would draw me in like a moth to a flame. Despite my church upbringing, I still engaged, I just never told. Let's face it I was under age and she was wrong. With Moosie, it happened for months. I was never the one to be good at keeping secrets but this one in particular was kept for years to come.

I would like to fast forward this story to when I was fifteen. Yes, contrary to popular belief, I was still a Virgin. That would soon change. According to my daydreams, I would be ravished by a boy I loved dearly, that was a virgin as well and loved me equally. We would happily marry and live a long healthy life with no children, just our careers and us. Yeah everyone in high school had that same dream. We couldn't be more wrong about what life had in store for us. I couldn't be more wrong about the person I would become and how it would all spiral out of control. In fact, the act of sex happened as I thought it would. Let's face it though, two virgins in the same room, with no teacher to this lesson,just makes for a good excuse as to why we never tried again. It was my first experience that I felt nothing at all. My first memory of riding a man and not feeling what the other girls said I would feel. Of me being more in my head about if I was riding him right and if I remember the girls on the pornos moaning like this. It was too technical for us to enjoy what we were doing. We stayed together for all of a month after that. Then that relationship ended abruptly and well let's just call this the turn off. I like to call it that because it turned me off for a long time until I conjured up my own circle of sexual beings and things were soon to get real hot and heavy.

Over the years of my teenage life, high school tended to make that quiet little nerdy church girl, become brave. In brave I mean, going from antisocial to a socialite in a year, transforming my body from someone who obviously was uncomfortable in skirts and dressed Gothic, to becoming a b-list girl. An A-list girl in highschool had too many demands and too much pressure. I just wanted to come out of my shell a bit without too much unnecessary attention. Being brave also meant venturing off during the summer with a group of summer day camp kids to go smoke a little grass, trying out the Newport 100s in a box that I often saw my granny smoking as a child, bike riding to the ends of our Midwest City just to sit and do bike stunts by the edge of the river. We even discussed our sexual concerns that all of us didn't understand. You know, the stuff that you watched on adult movies, that didn't even make sense in a tenth grade physics book. We spent 12-15 hours with each other everyday doing everything and sometimes nothing. Those bike rides and us laying on top of the goal post looking at the sky sharing a joint,our dreams,and fears was some of the best carefree years of our lives. To some it didn't seem like much, but that time was ours and we owned the hell out of that shit.

Let's get down to Reason Three and Four. These two reasons go hand in hand because of two slogans we lived our life by "Sharing is Caring" and "Teamwork Makes the Dream Work." Reason Three: we will name Jassicka. Jassicka was apart of the clan. She was a church kid as well. Her house was more strict. That means absolutely more stricter dress code despite the no uniform public school she attended. She attended more church events than my family and I thought that was impossible. It would be just my luck her mom worked 12 hour shifts and left her with an empty house every night and she was curious too. Reason 4 would be the rest of the clan. They were more like family because the amount of time we shared together. Imagine having 9 best friends you equally love the same. We was lit. The rest of the clan consisted of Deniah, a Hispanic sweetheart. Then there is Orin, we called him Pops of the group, because his whole demeanor was that of a geriatric nature. Oric was Orin's brother, he was the clown besides myself. Rod, he was the flamboyant one.Jukey also known as superman, a very sexy little something, was funny too. Sariah, she was indeed a closet freak, but thicker than a snicker if u asked me. Jake was also a nerd but secretly gay. Then there is Joshua. Joshua would be Reason Five to my sexual innuendos. Joshua was a little older than us so experience is what he had to offer, along with knowledge and sayings that 15 years later would become the best memes of social media.

What happens in the next volume is what sparks the flame of our sexual journey of experimentations and the creation of the Red Room.