A Drunken Mind Tells Sober Thoughts

One particular day, the clan devises this elaborate scheme to somehow sneak out of the house at night, once our parents were either off to work or in that REM state of sleep. We were to rendezvous at Jassicka's house since that was the one house that would be parent free until 7a.m. Because she and I had been friends since middle school, it was a little easier for me to just ask mom if I could stay the night with her for the weekend. Since Sariah was with me for the summer, ofcourse she was coming with. That way we had time to break out snacks, call up Oric to see if he had the smoke on deck and some playing cards. Next we would phone to see if Jukey or Joshua could buy us liquor, since they were a little older than us to know where or how to get it. If not, Orin could sneak some of his mom's stash-a-ways. We often left Rod and Jake out of these hang outs not because of who they were but simply because sneaking out takes skill and often your acceptance of those consequences if caught and well, there was no way they would risk it. To this day I have no clue how Deniah escaped. She was a genius like that though.

At first, this was just an after-hour hangout session. Once everyone arrived I conversed with Oric about the plans of this night's event. To be truthful, all we had planned, was trying to sneak out. We weren't sure it would even work. We didn't really plan anything pass that moment. But, since we were successful in our mission, now it was time to figure out what was next. He says, "Well, our course of action would be to maybe play a few drinking games, smoke, laugh, joke around, clean up and go our separate ways in time before Jassicka's mom came home." Sounded like a plan to us. We didn't care what we did as long as we were around each other. So what came later wasn't planned but "A drunken mind does show and tell its' sober thoughts."

The music was playing our favorites. The snacks was on point. Orin bought us a half gallon of some Vodka we could barely pronounce. Oric brought the scooby snacks. We put the cards down and proceeded to let Joshua instruct us on how to play. "Okay we go up to twenty one. Who ever go over twenty one gotta take a shot. Who ever get the closest without going over or hit 21 is the winner!" he would express.

We were having good clean fun until Oric and Jukey decided to turn it up a notch. Jukey says, "Lets play high card low card and whoever is wrong gotta take off something and take a shot!" Keep in mind by this time the liquor and cannabis is setting in. Now we are daring to be greater, carefree images of ourselves, less afraid, more comfortable and laughing harder than ever. We were also now daring each other. But has our inhibitions been lowered enough?

Everyone looks at each other. As if asking who is it gonna be? Or like some permission or friend validation had to be announced for someone to oblige his offer. Come to think of it, it almost reminds me of when you are watching a soap opera. Right before the climax of you finding out who stole the baby or murdered the man, the camera hits an unsettling frame on each characters face. Then it focuses back at another character, that's looking at them, while they are standng there looking suspicious. Right when the music ques, the camera zooms back out. They finally show a frame of everyone together. You know, looking all weird, as a unit, right before it goes to commercial. Yeah that was us.

I stood up and said, "Fuck it, I'll play! " Then a few more jumped in and we had ourselves a stripping game. The game didn't last long. Either we were out of clothes or alcohol tolerance. My 135 pound 4'11 ass wasn't gonna last long anyway. But again, here goes my thoughts running wild. Picturing what it would feel like fucking, what looks like Soap Opera characters, before the dish soap commercials come on. A smirk grows across my face with the greatest idea I am sure would solve most of the problems we had discussed all summer. Which was, knowing what to do, how to do it, and when to execute. My opportunity was punching me in the face. I was tired of living in my head. Fuck this shit! Everything is at my disposal. Imma go for it, fuck it what's the worst that could happen. And the moment that defined it all, is me standing up again, after a half hour of playin, sitting my cup down, and saying "fuck this! I don't wanna play no more games man who trying fuck? Cause I want to fuck!"

I took off what remained and proceeded down the hall into Jassicka's room. "Whoever wants to join me can. Orin kill all the lights!"

The light being cut out made everyone comfortable enough to get naked and dip off with another into their own sections. Surprisingly, Jassicka followed me and closed the door. If I was never brave enough to get everyone started, would she have ever said anything to me? I may never know. But what I do know is I was happy and comfortable to be experimenting with her.

One of us had to be the aggressor, I guess it was me today. Lay down Jassicka, I said in a calming, reassuring tone. "I have to go get something, I will be right back." I walk into the hall through the livingroom and all you see is skin everywhere, moans that could reach the high heavens. The shit was really getting live. I smile knowing that this was a good decision. We were learning how to do what we honestly had no clue about, but we were learning with each other. Although we were segregated into sections this time, we were baby stepping what we were comfortable with . I journey off into the kitchen to grab a few helpers. I figured if I was gonna do this right I might as well go all out while I still had that liquid courage in me. And I also wanted to take my time on her make her feel as comfortable as I could so this would go smoothly. Once my arms where fully stocked with what I needed, I headed back into the room. She was lying there in the middle of the bed naked with that shimmering body stuff she loved to wear, all over her. With candles lit, the light from the flame illuminated her body perfectly. She glistened with perfection. She was like a perfect work of art to me. I admired my friend's strength, confidence, and that smile on her face.

I sat all my props down. I had carried in strawberries, chilled canned peaches, whipcream, and strawberry syrup. She softly giggled and asked "Carmen, what you bout to do wit all that?" I smiled and replied, "Improvise."

I wanted to try the things that were sensual. The little things, I never encountered with my first love, I wanted to feel that. Everything I felt with Moosie, I wanted the opposite. Although I had no clue what I was doing, I wanted to be the teacher, not the student this time. The only thing I wanted to learn is how to put Jassicka in an extreme state of euphoria.

I began to spray the whip cream around her brownish-pink areolas. Then I sprayed more, following the hemlines of her neck, all the way down to her waist line. I grab the two sliced strawberries and place one on each of her nipples. She gasps shortly embracing her body from the chill of the bright red berries. Then, she smiles again signaling for me to continue. I slowly began pouring the strawberry syrup on the sides of her neck, her inner thighs, and right at the base of her flower's pedals. They were blossomed quite perfectly.

I open her legs a little wider than she had them originally. I place a sliced peach at opening of her soul for I planned to completely consume it when I was done. I command her not to move. I leave the cold wet peach just sitting there to torture her while I venture back up toward the nape of her neck. I mount a strawberry in between my lips. I use a bit of my front teeth to anchor the fruit knowing it will need to be steady for this to work. I place the strawberry on top of the strawberry syrup and followed the layout I had created. Blurring the lines with this berry as she squirmed. Jassicka's breath quickened. Her eyes closed tighter as her head tilted back. I used those guidelines to tease every inch of her, down then back up again. I slowly repeated these steps but detouring along the way, until I ended back up to her neck. I continue traveling the fruit along her exposed jaw line until it reached the coastline of her wet lips. She opened her mouth welcoming me into it. I fed her the tip of the berry as she and I bit in unison, I swallowed my portion. I kissed her as she swallowed hers. She smiled. I chuckled.

She whispered "don't stop."

I continued to surprise even myself. And the excitement of what is stirring inside her is transferring massive waves inside my own body. I am excited like I have never been. It causes me to explore further. I take a separate peach from the container and began running it through the puffy whites clouds of whipped cream down her supple breasts. I gain a little speed to do a few laps around her nipples. Slowing my pace again as I yeild to make my mouth suck up the strawberry pieces so they can join the pieces of peach in my mouth. I release them down my throat and continue to trace the cream trail down to the peach that's been sitting there soaking up juices. I ignore its presence for the moment, while I slowly blow on the wet evidence,that is left from what once was.

I place my tongue on her aroused bright pink clitoris. Her legs clinch a little, her back rises up, as if the sun is entering the horizon and air lifting her into the atmosphere. Her gasps and deep inhales assure me she loves it. It motivates me to go longer and stronger. I rotate my tongue, I lick, flick, suck, and stroke as she grips the sheets, her legs begin to tremble. Using her body language to signal me to finish her, I slide my mouth down to the peach feeding her opening. I then take it away and repeat my steps until her breath quickens more. I finally suck the peach out and replace it with one finger. I finger paint her walls with my name as I place my mouth back on her pearl. Her walls swell, she moans louder and begins to shake all over. Her flood gates open and release an ocean all unto my chin and neck.

I lift up and see her eyes as big as marbles, her complexion as white as the whipped cream and her hair, made her look like a good guy doll. I was partially nervous because she looked so confused and distraught. So, I ask, "Was that okay? Are you okay?" She replies, "Are you kidding me? What the fuck just happened? I can't breathe! Oh My God! Where did you learn that shit!? You see me still shaking!? Ooooooowwwwiieee! It felt so gooooood!" All while still trying to catch her breath. I'm nervous at this point because although I'm happy to know she enjoyed it as much as I did, she is damn near hyperventilating. I just want to calm her down. So I ask, "You need something to drink? You want some kool-aid?" All while thinking to myself, "Really Carmen? What the fuck was some kool-aid gone do?" She still accepts my offer anyway. So I go towards the door knob and notice the music isn't playing. I open the door and the whole clan is scurrying away from the entrance pretending to mind the business that pays them. I look at all of them and say, "Really!?" Jassicka giggles and says "Can you bring me a Popsicle instead?" I nod my head and close the door.

Deniah and Jukey smiling and the rest are giggling. Oric puts his finger up and says, "Um inquiring minds would love to know can we just all do this shit in one room the next time? We tryin to see some shit!"

As I enter the room I notice Jassicka is back to normal with an enormous grin on her face. I lay back down on the bed and say I brought you some water just in case you changed your mind and I got your Popsicle too. As she takes the popsicle out my hand and straddles me she replies, "Good, because it's my turn. "