Head Master

Well after that one little night, we were encouraged to do this more often. Now we had stirred up the courage to be in the same room coupled up in different parts of the bed and floor. We would do our thing and watch from afar at the same time. The word eventually spread. So the extras that would hang out every now and then, were ready to explore our world. With opened arms we weIcomed them. Now I look at Jassicka and say, "I think we're gonna need a bigger room." "We can move this to the basement where there is definitely more of it ," she replied with a smirk on her face.

Her basement was painted our favorite shade of red. Her mom had a built-in bar in the corner. Jassicka had it decorated with purple beanbags and a furry rug in the lounging area. She had a two seated couch, a recliner, and a bed facing the bar that possessed no alcohol. There was a half bathroom located in the back where the washer and dryer was. Now we had our very own clan cave. It was beautiful. Now we could do even more, with the extra space provided and the basement walls muffling the sound.

Everything I witnessed was amazing to me. I will confess, it was a turn on and very educational. We were all friends, we were safe, and we stuck to our choice. With my head tilted watching, I couldn't help but wonder were these girls really enjoying their heterosexual encounters? My curious self couldn't help but watch and ask myself how she had all of that in her mouth? How was she enjoying any of it at all? My first experience with a guy gave me a preconceived notion that all encounters would be this way. I planted in my own head maybe I really did like girls only. Maybe that's why things didn't go so smooth. Maybe that's why it did with Jassicka. Maybe I really wanted to be with a female. Maybe it would work better if I had a coital three way with a guy and girl.

Now my wheels began to turn. What would it feel like having two tongues licking my pussy at the same time? It would be like a form of art to have us graciously devouring one another like last meals. Ofcourse, my doubt clicked in. How could I even think of having a threesome? I may have semi-mastered the female anatomy, but I was so far from being equally experienced with that of the opposite sex, it was pathetic. More wheels turning.

I devise a plan. What if I had a teacher? What if someone could show me all the how to's and how not to's? But who would be mature enough to take me seriously? Who is old enough to have more experience than the rookies in the basement?

This part of the story brings us to reason number five, Joshua. Joshua was in his early 20s. He was single, sometimes. He was a long-haired, bearded philosopher. The one we nicknamed Jay. At first glance he appeared as a tall, pigeon toed, light skinned, Bob Marley type of man. He was the wise one out of us all. He would smoke his blunts and laugh at our mistakes and discoveries.

After this group activity had ended, I pulled Joshua to the side, "Hey Jay, Can I ask you something?" "What's up Chi, "He replied, "What you need?" "Well I was wondering if you could help me out with something that's a little personal? I nervously requested, "I need a one on one session whenever you free." "You sure about that, fun-size?" He asked. I explained, "Yeah I really need your expertise." "Well, he answered, I'm pretty sure I know what this is concerning. Don't worry I gotchu, Just meet me at my mama house tomorrow around 3:00. Don't be late."

The next day I arrived promptly. He is obviously home alone, because there was a massive stench coming from the back room. He leads me towards there. He sits in his recliner, and starts to roll his hemp-stuffed cigar. "So, Chi come on out with it. What is it that has made you come all the way over here? I know it's not no shenanigans that could have easily been tested in the basement last night, so what's on your mind for real?"

"I simply stated, "Honestly Jay, I know that you are more experienced than all of us. This is more of a, can you teach me, situation. I wanna know how to be the best at it all. I wanna know what men like, what they don't like. I want to know how to have all the answers to the secrets females have been pondering for ages. If I am going to do this I want to be aware of what I am doing. What I am trying to ask is can you help me? You are the only one I trust to take my problem serious."

"Yeah, I think we can work something out. I could tell last night something was on your mind. I've also noticed that when we're at the park, talking about all the different ways females fuck up with us, you are paying attention like a kid taking notes in class," he chucked. "Seriously tho, I know you got the girlfriend part down packed. If you weren't such a great homie, anybody would have been tried. I'm not too concerned about you in that particular area. I'm sure you aren't either. So I'm taking it that you more concerned about the sexual aspect? Am I right?

"Yeah, last time I tried that shit I felt inadequate as hell," I proclaimed, "I'm getting older and with everything that's been going on, I don't want to look like a dumbass. So, not trying to seem anxious or nothing but, can we start this today?"

He chuckled once more and put his blunt out in his Marley ashtray, and said, "follow me." We entered this room of a typical stoner's domain. I sat on bed and looked up at him. He looked down at me proceeded to undress his lower half. Before it was time for the boxers to go as well, he sat down and decided to tell me a few things first.

I wasn't afraid at this moment. I was open ears to his every instruction. Rule one was to never use your hands. Everyone else does and the impact is minimal. Always act on what your first mind tells you, not to do what you have always seen or been told. Rule two: If you can learn on a ten inch dick everything below that will be a breeze. You appear to be a professional, without taking much effort or being uncomfortable. Rule three: Learn your comfortability. Try different style, angles, positions, and strokes so you never get bored. Try to out do yourself better than the time before. Only do what it takes for you to orgasm. Do what turns you on while pleasing them. Do only what and when you want to.You appear to be the best adversary. Rule four: Only give 30% in every aspect of who you are. Pay close attention to who they become and how they handle the situation afterwards. If they are psychotic or just not right for you, you give nothing else. You don't want to be disappointed that you gave all of yourself to a goofy who wasted some of your life's unlimited minutes. If everything checks out, dish out a little more percentage. Never dish out a full 100% though. Leave kissing and over night stays to more personal and intimate relationships. This keeps the opponent aware of what type of game being played. Rule five: Pillow princesses are for the lazy female and/or the opponent who is less endowed. Avoid this position otherwise. Try different strokes, speeds, position, again. Great distractions are pure stimuli to the body, to completely render the mind of this particular possibility. You never want to feel like you have lost control here. Rule six: Control the outcome without it being obvious. Being the aggressor intimidates the opponent. Instead you slowly seduce, by reading body language, and subliminally suggesting ideas by embedding them into your opponents head way before the night cap. You will have him eating out of your hand, and he will think it was his idea. Conversation, random words, even certain music can plant the correct motivation. Also, don't run from it. That really does not flatter men. No real man wants to feel like they are raping someone. Either take it or switch positions where it works in your favor. Rule seven: Control your reactions. If you are too silent your opponent feels incompetent, like their performance isn't up to standard. Or you have them feeling like they are Nate off of "Set it Off" and your Stoney looking ass is in a bind. You don't want to be too loud and appear to be a d-list actress in a third world rated movie (low budget film) playing the animal that was harmed in the making of. No one wants to hear all that hollering in they ear no way. Let your body release sound that naturally rolls off the lips as an automatic reaction to pleasure. Rule eight: Be inventive. Bring your world into your reality. Mesh all the goodness of your mind with all the alternatives provided. Don't see the male as your opponent, like he sees you. You are your own opponent. Setting the bar higher for yourself than the time before. Don't be afraid to push those limits. Rule nine: Make your own rules. This is a world that you have invited them into. Make sure they respect that. Rule ten: Have fun, but be safe!

After he had explained each rule that I had listened to thoroughly, he finally showed me everything I was so stand-offish about before. He was right about one thing. If I could learn sex and particularly oral, on a ten inch, everything below it was a breeze. This part of the story along with the Jassicka ordeal is what labeled this girl right here, the Head Master. Funny how that name later upgrades to something much more bizarre.

Til this day I thank Joshua for the things he did teach me. It didnt take a bunch of men for me to get it right, just a bunch of tries on one to get it perfect.

Now I'm ready to fully play...