The Don and The Dopehead Executioner 3

On the first day of his office, his master granted citizenship for the devoted nonnative servants and recognized the sovereignty of the occupied integral territories.

His brother Damaso was appointed as a consul of their former country, Macedonia. And he received a three-year term to oversee it under his rule.

With his unconditional gift, the cult leader and the First Root pledged eternal loyalty to his master. Not only that, the other hidden monster race, who benefited from his rule, worshipped him like a God.

On a side note, beautiful and powerful female nobles were starting to gather like a flock of sheep to get his attention.

Even his own sister joined to participate. A banner of her supporters began to show up, with a motto of 'Incest is wincest.'

'War should be caused by male simps who fall in love with a beautiful goddess, they said. But now it is changing to a stan war. Oh my goodness, his sister used powerful propaganda, 'Keep the blood pure.' She's really competitive like Vesesa. Wow, the master must be having a rough time,' Kilo heaved a tired sigh.

When a senator complained that siblings shouldn't be married, she only stated that they weren't blood-related, so it was okay. Everyone cheered for her when she declared it publicly.

Her approval ratings skyrocketed like her brother's.

Ignoring the situation, his master signed an executive order to remove all of his political enemies from power. He even enacted a new degree to create a rehabilitation center for the addicts to give them a second chance to return to a decent life. He signed a new law to increase the budget of his army, and he focused his attention on the infrastructure projects to increase the production and logistics of his country. All of which neglected to provide by the former Emperor and his liberal allies.

Two months later, his girlfriend finally rested in peace. The emperor, together with his sister, came to visit. He's the only government official who expressed his condolence and showed sincerity to a servant like him. The only political figure who showed sympathy to someone like him.

Kilo cried for his loss, and it took a week to recover from his grief.

As his master continued to do his job, his enemies within the government joined together to destroy his image. They were dissatisfied and mad at his method to deal with the criminals, their drug projects, the sanctions against the barbarians, and even the upcoming abolishment of slavery and selfdom.

His ideas were against their noble rights. His activity led to the deaths of a hundred thousand Ratican criminals. They fabricated a lie that the human rights of their people were violated. Using the media, they manipulated the public, but the people's trust was only led them to distrust the news.

Despite their disrespectful warning, his master told them to fuck off. He didn't mind the backlash of the upper class and middle-class citizens.

"You're a fuckin' dictator. You stole the people's money. We, the senators, won't let this slide, you fuckin' dictator," one of the male senators of the opposing party shared his sentiment. "A dictator, you said? Stole their money, for what? You must be jokin', old man. I'm no dictator nor a thief. C'mon, show me the records then send them to the supreme court. File a case then. Don't ask the Assyrian Empire and other countries to meddle with our internal affairs. We are a sovereign country, you see. Also, I'm just a regular public servant who is doing his job," his master shrugged it off.

"Look here, your law put our nation into shame. A lot of people died because of your fuckin' law. For example of that, my son's case. My son deserves to be alive. He's only using drugs to ease his pain, but your law killed him. You violate his human rights," the female senator argued. "Your son raped an innocent girl who is a daughter of a well-known merchant company. He took a human life, so he deserved the death penalty, madam. What kind of stupid statement is that? Human right, my ass. You've only changed the meaning of the noble rights to a convenient word to get the public support," his master dealt with her argument properly.

"W, why you? Not only do you have a bad personality, but you also have a bad mouth too. The extrajudicial killings keep increasing because you allowed it. A lot of human rights have been violated, emperor!" the female senator badgered. "Here we go again. They voted me as the new leader. Remember, your people put me in this place. You value human rights, but I value human lives. The criminals are killing each other, so I don't freakin' care, senator. In fact, we're lucky that our soldiers are doing their job properly. Unlike before, they cannot do anything because of your 'noble rights,' you see. Unless, you're protecting them because someone paid you well to criticize my administration, right? If you're strong enough, then try to fight me in a debate in front of the public. I hope you won't disappoint me," his master pointed it out.

"W, why you? Gaah, I can't handle this anymore," the female senator gritted her teeth and slammed the table out of anger. "Ladies and gentlemen, if you don't have anything to say, I have to go now. Please excuse me. I have some urgent meetings to deal with. Good day," his master stood up from his chair and left them.

Kilo followed his master and walked beside him.

"You look satisfied, master," Kilo mentioned upon seeing his smug face. "Well, I feel refreshed when I saw those ludicrous faces. Those assholes cannot say a word because I am telling the facts. Drug addiction is a huge problem that our government failed to solve, you see. They failed to see the importance of logistics and the army. They pointed out that we don't need to increase our budget in the military because we don't have an enemy. Duuh, our nation controls the east and west, from the United Realm to the peak of Iraq. Of course, we need them to secure our borders and keep our people safe. My goodness, why did we even occupy a country and decentralize everything? My ancestors and their cabinet members are a bunch of morons. They only gave us a headache. Now, we're having an identity crisis too. If I left it untouched, our empire will blow up into several kingdoms. Wow, what a bunch of hypocrites. Because of that, our politicians were reluctant to face the reality. This is why I hate the western ideas," his master responded promptly.

"I don't think drinking those drugs is harmless. The collected tax from the illegal drugs is helping our community to flourish properly," commented Kilo as he read a file about on his note. "There are four million drug addicts in this country. Four million lives, Sir Kilo. Drugs are one of the reasons why some men will commit murder. If the poor man doesn't have money, he will commit embezzlement. He will steal and kill to buy one. Sometimes, people will move impulsively. In other words, an illegal drug is a major problem that destroyed a lot of innocent lives in the process. Man, our stupid opposing senators were already bribed by the drug lords, so they are incompetent and unreliable administrative leaders for society. They only value what they can get from it like a parasite. Please take note. Those people who kept defending it are corrupted and selfish people. Spreading lies to get their attention, I thank my luck that our people are not dumb. I'm glad I allocate a lot of money for their education. Believe it or not, our country will live a frugal life without drugs," his master declared gravely.

"Master, you are really aware of the negative effects of the drugs, huh. It appears you research a lot before you initiate your plan," Kilo was amused. "I didn't research it. I learned it from the past and the history of humanity. There is a respectable ruler that I looked up to so much in the Philippines. I wanted to save the country from becoming a narcotic state which is controlled by a drug cartel, and I won't idle by. I will give a proper future for the new generation," his master simpered upon saying it.

'Philippines, is that a dynasty or a country?' Kilo was confused.

Afterward, the Emperor was abdicated. The criminals and their families supported his political enemies to eradicate him. They fabricated a lot of stories that he was stealing the people's gold and used it for his self-interest. That the Emperor's infrastructure projects were stolen from the ideas of female great rulers. That, he was a dictator who was a warmonger and bloodthirsty spoiled man.

Their lies spread like a disease that changed the mindset of the Ratican people. The stability of the regime and war support of the people against their external enemies slowly declined. Drugs once again destroyed the youth and their future.

The country fell into a civil war, again.

One night, Kilo was patrolling in the swamp of the old fortress in Scily. His cult joined the resistance against the human factions who supported the overpowered heroes.

A teenager fell down on the ground smoothly. He wore a dark mask, expensive armor, and weaponry. On his back, he carried a crossbow and on his waist, a small sword hung on it.

"Master, is that you?" asked Kilo as he pointed the light of his lamp on his face. "Oh, take a look at that. Is that you, Sir Kilo? How wonderful to see you again. Yup, nice and flesh. Ooops, stay back a little. I don't think it is a wise idea to come closer. Stay put. I don't want to harm you," his master responded bluntly.

"Good evening, master. I'm glad to see you again. By the way, I heard my brother formed an alliance with your sister's faction. Are you perhaps ordering her to do it?" queried Kilo, worryingly. "Woah, hold it right there. I am not. More like, she's doing what she pleased. On my side, I am only doing my quest. Honestly, I don't know what's going on right now either. Oi, oi, stay right there. It's dangerous. I am in a psychopath level, and this little girl will gonna swallow your soul alive if you move closer," his master walked in a distance.

'Little girl?' asked Kilo with a confused face.

"I don't know what are you worrying about. But don't tell me you're going to fight everyone? Alone?" Kilo perplexed. "Well, kind of. C'mon, don't look at me like that. I can handle it. Man, humans, and monsters are the same. They always stir up a lot of troubles like civil unrest, civil war, and now a world war. Not to mention, I have to take care of those people. Those silly Isekai people won't even wake up if you guys didn't summon a fuckin' evil monster. Good grief. This world is designed for a wave of long-lasting peace, but everything turned the world into a mess because of those selfish, greedy, irrational, and immature beliefs. That's why the system is forcing me to clean it. I have to cover the hole to prevent the goddamn water to spill out of its control. As I said before, stand back," his master kicked his stomach which made him forcibly thrown away, and fell on the ground.

'Gowaagh, do you have to do that? Man, it will leave a mark on my mind, you know. What is he talking about?' Kilo slowly stood up on his feet and looked straight into his master's eyes.

"Master, I am so sorry. Please forgive me. Please don't kick me again. Forgive my insolence," implored Kilo. "Naah, it's fine. I'm not mad at you. You're different from the others. Relax, buddy. By the way, your role in this world is not yet done, okay. You have a job to do. One job. Just one job. I know you are a high elf, so you can live a hundred years than us, Sir Kilo. I hope... I hope you will choose the right party. By the way, I have good news for you, lad. You'll become a human again. Feel the world like you always do when you were born. Promise me this. I hope you won't forget what you learn from me, from your deceased girlfriend, from your past. Humanity is more important than anything else," his master pointed his custom-made crossbow at him.

"O, O, Of course, I won't. I won't ever forget my contract with you," Kilo reassured. "I don't know how long will it take for me to stay normal. Remember this, Sir Kilo. If one day, you meet me again. I won't ever remember you. You won't recognize me either because of some sort of curse that was put inside my body by that person. Stick this into your mind. Never ever trust her. Never ever meet me when you're alone. Try to avoid me at all costs. Do your best to keep a distance as much as possible. Because my... Because my sanity level is drinking my head like a bottle of wine. It's slowly draining my mind like crazy. As long as your race, the false gods, the demons, and these bunch of Isekai idiots continue to exist. The balance will collapse, and this son of a bitch will push me over to the edge. Forcing me to handle it again. However, I won't idle by, the war will be over soon, but my mortal body won't last long because of the side effects of these children. And one day, I will lose myself completely. Like a firework. That's why do me a favor, man. Kinda try your best to do your job properly. Plan it well. Help me when the time comes. You're not alone either, okay," his master removed his mask to show his face. The moon enlightened half of it, and he saw his master's eyes like a view of a lone wolf.

His amethyst eyes shone like a neon sight.

'Master, what's happening to you?' Kilo was perplexed with a cold sweat.

"Y, yes, master. I will. But, if I'm not alone, who are they? How many of us are going to wait? Are you trying to become a hero or something?" asked Kilo. "It depends on the plot and the path you will choose. Don't mind my current position. Forget about those useless, sadistic, and warmongers warriors. Bear in mind. I'm not doing this to become a hero. I've always been a villain. There's always a saying that the villain will always win against the tyranny of evil. Heroes are for wussy and wimpy kids. Who abandoned their life for the sake of power, friendship, and other people. For me, I am different. I am doing this for my sake. For my future. Unlike them, I won't abandon my humanity, whatever it cost. Hays, let's stop this bullshit explanation. We don't have much time. Before I forgot, I just wanna say this. I come here to warn you personally. Be careful," his master placed a hand on his back as he reminded it seriously.

"Warn me for what? Man, you looked terrible, master. You need to take a break. Rest assured, I promise I will help you however I can. Whoever forced you to do this, I swear I will do my part as your loyal servant," young Kilo pounded his heart firmly. "Thank you. Watch out for my pets, especially the slime and the clock. They are both dangerous existences. I deliberately spread them across the globe. I only let one girl stay with me because she's the favorite of that person. Please take note seriously. One day, someone will introduce a serum to transform you all back to your human form. Take advantage of that. You'll need it. On a side note, when you meet me, bear in mind I won't even recognize you. You'll become a stranger to me. However, never get frustrated. Tell this to straight to me, don't ever make a contact with one of them, okay," his master implored.

"Yes, master," Kilo nodded. "Good. Very good. Don't forget everything, okay. Never ever forget it. Never. Or else, I will make you remember by kicking your stomach again. Now then, I have to go. Farewell, Sir Kilo," his master put his mask on, and he slowly vanished like smoke up to the moon.

'Rest assured, master. I will. I will never ever forget my promise. Never!' young Kilo made guts pose as he assured it promptly.

A thousand years later, Kilo turned into a wise man and built a temple with his brothers in the West Scily.

Unfortunately, he forgot it.