The Don and The Dopehead Executioner 4

Elder Kilo snapped back to the present. Agitated and worried.

His body turned numb and paralyzed as he looked at the face of the young Don once again.

He reminisced the past when he resembled the aura of his former master.

"Your aura is an empty shell without a proper core or entity. But your reliance on your companions is pouring limitless points and releasing a terrifying pressure out of your body. You have an eye of a wolf, a lone wolf in a forest. But a pushover Wiseman when I picture your look," Elder Kilo commented. "Well, half of it is true. Or should I say, sort of?" Hermes' shoulder raised up once.

"Good grief. I guess, I failed. I forgot my true purpose, my role in this world. How pathetic," Elder Kilo hung his head down and smiled bitterly. "Huh? What are you talking about, elder?" asked Hermes with a confused look. "It's nothing. I'm only talking to myself," Elder Kilo shook his head.

He looked at his hands and closed them tightly.

"Why are you hesitating? Do it. Do it now," asked Elder Kilo, accepting his fate. "Uh, ah, no can't do. Why do you think I'm hesitating to kill you? Because... Because you're still not abandoning your humanity. You're still in your human form. Fresh and neat. Don't be surprised. I know it very well. Clearly. Well, I sense your dithering. I glimpse into your actions that you're still holding back from injecting the serum into your body. I don't know why you stopped earlier, but I'm quite disappointed to see the result. If you just used it earlier, then this fight won't last for thirty seconds, honestly," Hermes answered blatantly.

'Not to mention, you're lucky enough to be protected by the restriction. The truth is, I am prohibited to kill a human. If I kill you by mistake, I will receive a heavy punishment worst than what are you experiencing right now,' Hermes commented inside his head.

The elder heaved a disappointing sigh.

'Aah, I see. I believe Vesesa has greatly put a huge influence on my life. That I subconsciously hold back a little. I become weak to return to my former self. Now that I think about it, I remember my master's warning. I wonder if my master will be disappointed or called me an idiot if he found out that I forgot my promise,' Elder Kilo commented inside his head.

"Idiot. That's the only thing I could say," Hermes sighed. "Did you read my mind?" surprised Elder Kilo with opened eyes.

"What are you talking about? Well, whatever. One last chance. If you don't want to use that drug, then hand it over, or it is more convenient to dispose of it properly, and then, surrender completely," Hermes folded his arms across his chest. "I apologize but I decline. The serum and my pride won't ever yield. You won't get anything from me. I won't ever surrender. I'll rather choose to die than give up. I want to die at the hands of my master after all. The only human who deserves to take my life," Elder Kilo declared gravely.

"Man, seriously? Your whole body is trembling like an old man. I respect your determination, but can you please stop being an idiot once in your life? If you don't want to cooperate, I will do an aggressive friendly move to make you agree," advised Hermes as he looked at him with wrinkled eyebrows. "Good grief... you can hurt me, torture me to death, but you won't get anything from me. You left me no choice. I already dishonor my oath to my family, master, and lover. I feel terrible. I guess it's time to do my last resort. I hope the grand lord will remember me someday," Elder Kilo bit his fake teeth, and he began to struggle to breathe.

'Fool, what a silly move!' Hermes was bewildered by what he did.

The elder released black foams out of his mouth. Blood started to appear out of his eyelids.

"Vesesa, I'm... I'm... I'm com... ing now. I'll see you soon, dear," Elder Kilo coughed blood thereafter, and his body finally collapsed on the transparent floor. "Elder, you're a reasonable man. But I can't believe you will do this. You choose to die rather than to preserve a second chance to live. Unbelievable. You're not a moron but a hardcore narcissist old man. And, a fuckin' stupid idiot," Hermes walked closer and glared at his enemy's pitiful state.

Elder Kilo closed his eyes, and he recalled what was the last conversation between him and his lover.

"Dear, what if you're trapped inside a box? Plus, what would you do if someone stronger than you tried to spare your life?" asked Vesesa. "I don't know yet. I haven't experienced it once, so I think I will do a drastic and foolish decision. Maybe, I might possibly commit suicide in front of him?" guessed Kilo. "No, silly. Don't do that. Even you don't have a choice or nowhere to escape. Value what you still have. It's not wrong to surrender like a weakling. Humans have already suffered a lot that we intend to submit to the strong. But still, I like your courage and enthusiasm. You won't run away despite the odds. Like you, I will face him with my might, but taking your life won't change anything. Just be a human. Remember this, your soul is still a human, so value your life as priceless as you treat me, okay," Vesesa smiled at him happily.

Coming back to the present, Elder Kilo looked at his enemy's face once again.

'Vesesa, I'm sorry, but I value my honor more than my life. I won't ever show my weakness against my enemy. Never. At least, this time, I won against him with this one,' Elder Kilo commented inside his head.

"A... Aljen, what is your... true... name?" asked Elder Kilo, extending his hand to be held. "You silly old man. Are you a stupid samurai or something? This is not Japan or China or even Korea, and you're not even an East Asian. Man, I'm glad I have a soul of a Southeast Asian. We value life and family, though. Are these people really do this stuff often? Is this part of your program as an NPC? For real, it's so fuckin' stupid. You... you stay put," Hermes knelt down on one knee, and he grabbed it with both of his hands.

"Please... I... beg... you. Tell me your... name," Elder Kilo coughed out blood from his mouth.

Hermes glared at him with a subtle look. His face looked sad upon seeing him like this.

"Aljen," Hermes hesitated at first and he said with a bitter smile, "Aljen Mura."

The elder's eyes opened wide and his eyes trembled in ecstatic. His surname made him recall one of the most memorable moment of his life. The moment his master revealed his name to him personally.

"Aljen... Mura? You're... a Mura? No w.... ay. I am so.... sorry. I fail you. I made... a terrible... mis... take. I become a fool, a traitor, stupid and weak, L, L, Lo... Lord Mura, " Elder Kilo apologized, crying. He's trying to capture every moment of his life to touch the young Don's face. "Stop crying like a baby, old man. And don't even try to touch me. Crap, you're still joking around, elder. No matter, I don't care anymore. Whatever. Your heart, your body, and your belief retain their humanity at least. Be proud of it. You're forgiven. As a reward for being an honorable enemy, I will allow your soul to pass through. Man, I am just disappointed that you impulsively take your life without a second thought. Have someone tried to remind you that's stupid? I hope that person slapped you in the face when you meet him or her. You're a goddamn idiot. I guess everyone has their own standards, self-importance, and pride," Hermes heaved a disappointing sigh.

Kilo's pupils trembled as he finally reunited with someone he adored the most. But his mouth was suddenly shut by some sort of magic.

The elder saw a familiar girl behind him. Her whole face was covered by a black veil and her body was covered with a white summer dress. She's glaring at him with a terrifying smile. She slowly placed her index on her lips and mentioned quietly, "Ssssh."

His pupils trembled upon seeing her. The person that his master shouldn't meet again. Her existence terrified him the most.

As she approached him in a distance, terrifying horror music crossed his head.

'Unbelievable... no... I cannot speak. This... this girl is alive. Damn it, a powerful spell is preventing me to speak. I ... made... a grave... mistake. I shouldn't take my... life. I'm terribly... sorry. If I have just asked his surname first, this... this won't result in this foolish end. The past... the future.... the first humans, the monsters, no, the humanity are in grave danger. They are... really... back. Those fuckin' spirits and that woman are... terrible. I failed .... the promise... Vesesa... I failed... I cannot... I cannot let... let the master to... My em... ror,' Elder Kilo tried to touch him, but his arms collapsed before he could reach it.

His pupils turned white like an empty vessel.

'Sleep well,' the girl giggled in satisfaction, and she melted away in a thin air thereafter.

"I wonder why he looked terrified. Is someone behind me?" asked Hermes as he looked behind him. But there was no one there. "I don't think so, master. You must be imagining it," Meili replied briefly.

Hermes closed the old man's eyes gently and laid his corpse down on the transparent ground.

"Master, can I eat his soul?" asked the slime. "No, leave it be. Let the man die in honor and have peace," Hermes watched the corpse of the elder turn to ash.

"Hmmm, that's so weird. Why this elf smells like that person?" asked the slime, who slightly recognized the scent of their victim. "Every raw material has the same taste and scents, sis~. It must be your imagination," Meili contradicted it.

'These sisters are really a nuisance,' Hermes sighed.

"Master~, I only used a tier 8 [Miasma] to corrupt their souls, but to think this guy will take a lot of time to die. Wow, this guy is tough. Master~, his soul looks tasty. I want to take a bite," Meili was disappointed. "Seize your urges. Enough is enough. Take the souls of his minion instead. We're not a savage people, so have some class," Hermes closed his eyes and silently prayed for his enemy's soul.

"Yes, master~," the slime obediently followed. "Okay~," Meili happily accepted.

'You're a respectable man. I'm lucky that I don't have to kill you. You choose to fight like a human. Rest in peace, Elder Kilo,' Hermes lamented.