Chapter 2 Training,Bottleneck

The old man looked at him and said"follow me" before turning around to leave the room.

Nightin followed him out the room as he was told. The old man passed him a bronze coloured token "Take this, this is a symbol of identity for a low ranked member of the assasin hall."

"I'll be teaching you some things every cultivator should know first. Firstly, cultivation ranks are divided into ten great realms. Known as the Foundation Realm,Spirit Gathering Realm, Spirit Apprentice realm,Spirit Master Realm,Spirit Lord Realm,Spirit King Realm,Spirit Emperor Realm,Spirit Ancestor Realm,Spirit Saint Realm and the Spirit God Realm. However,realms above the Spirit Ancestor Realm are believed to be a legend..."

The old man sighed and told Nightin "Even the hall master of the world's four strongest forces,is only at the Spirit Emperor Realm."

Nightin was shocked and asked "What's your identity?"

The old man told him "I'm known as shadow to the people of this world. You should've heard of my name. Are you willing to become my disicple."

Nightin got down on his knees and bowed to the old man three times and said "Disciple Nightin pays respect to master!"

The old man laughed "To think someone like me will have a disciple... You're at the foundation realm right now, in your body right now,you should see a tower. As for how high the tower can go, it's up to you. The highest ever recorded was eight levels high and the person ended up a Spirit Ancestor,the continent's number one expert. Aged twenty four and known as the Snow Lotus..."

The old man looked at Nightin in a smile that made his whole body shudder "Shall we commence our training?"

The old man told him that the current priority is his current body fitness. "Improvingour body fitness is how people usually train their foundation, however there's another way. I'll be helping you to awaken your soul weapon today... Close your eyes and imagine the weapon you want, that's all..."

Nightin did as told, forming a scythe that's purple in colour,radiating a deep coloured purple aura. Two metres in length,with the long blades each around eighty centimeters spreading outwards. Each possibly sharp enough to penetrate everything in this world,like a divine weapon that came from hell,a weapon that can fight against the gods,devils and angels.

The old man looked at him in amazement and shouted "What the hell! A divine ranked soul weapon! How is it even possible!"

In this world,soul weapons are divided into the common grade, uncommon grade,epic grade, legendary grade,mythical grade, historical grade and divine grade... Luckily his is only at the uncommon grade for now..."

The old man told him"Your weapon has the possibly to even contend against gods, however it's only at the uncommon grade right now,the only way to improve it will depend on your fate... Your current task is to just practice with your weapon. You may think that it's easy,but as time passes it won't be that easy,find me when you're done.

Nightin didn't even question his master, walking to the backyard,he started slashing his scythe around.

From slashing to parrying to charging,he practiced every single foundation movement repeatedly.

Nightin practiced every movement day and night,regardless or rain or shine. Only resting for four hours a day including meals and toilet breaks...

One month later,one whole set which only took him fifteen minutes originally took him only one minute. What shocked him was a blade of spiritual scythe energy that he formed.

Confused,Nightin went to ask his master "Master, what's this spiritual scythe energy?"

The old man was shocked again and shouted "Are you trying to agitate me to death? You've already formed one Spiritual weapon energy? It took me one year just to from one!" The old man slowly calmed himself down and said to him "in this world,one becomes a weapon master by forming nine weapon spiritual energies. Next will be intent,followed by aura. Respectively known as scythe master, great scythe master,scythe spirit..."

Nightin actually laughed at this,the first time he laughed after his setback. "Am I a peerless genius?"

His master could only sigh and say "Yes, you're a peerless genius,but you've still got a far journey ahead of you."

Before Nightin could react,his master threw a scroll at him and said "within this is a Heaven Grade Technique,go learn it yourself." Before vanishing and disappear.

Nightin could only shake his head and go back to the backyard to train...

Just like this,one year passed in the blink of an eye.

The current Nightin had formed ten in his tower and know that it's time for him to breakthrough to the spirit gathering realm. He had also cultivated nine scythe spiritual energies and all that he needs is to combine them together to form his own intent. The heaven grade technique,void slash had also been cultivated by him to the great success realm. There are different proficiencies towards each technique,known as the small success realm,large success realm,completion realm,perfect realm and the mastered realm.

Seeing these signs,he looked for his master,only to realise he isn't around. He could only decide to rely on himself.

Since Nightin has reached a bottleneck,he decided to go to the mountain nearby which towers over ten thousand metres. The mountain is known as the Desolate Beast Mountain. However, it's a mountain of unknown grade as no one has been known to fully explore it. Even the strongest cultivator was stopped at the inner circle of the mountain.

Nightin didn't pack anything with him, before leaving for the mountain. Leaving a letter behind and leaving it on the counter for his master

"Master, I'll be heading towards the Desolate Beast mountain first. It's my only way to make a breakthrough right now,I don't wish for my progress to be hindered and stopped just because you're missing. I want to become someone who can rely on himself and not burden others..."

Those words are the content of the letter...

Nightin walked up to the bottom of the mountain. Looking up,all he saw was a mountain so high that it pierced through the skies,the summit nowhere to be seen.

Nightin however wasn't worried,he only has plans to stay within the outer area of the mountain after all.

Before he started making his way up the mountain,he took out soul weapon in preparation to deal with any situation that occurs...