Chapter 3 Royal Knight Part 1

Nightin started climbing up the mountain, travelling inwards after climbing upwards for about a thousand meters. After entering the mountain,the scenery around him changed. From a rocky area,to a forest covered by gigantic trees that blocked most of the sunlight from him. Countless beautiful flowers were on the ground and trees,giving off a pleasant fragrance and there were vines that twirled around every single tree. Nightin knows that it's a spatial space,he had once read about this back in Wisteria city. A spatial space is a enclosed realm that can only be created by a saint rank expert,everything in this world in under the control of the saint who created this place.

Nightin knows that there's no point in staying here and decided to travel further inwards,deeper into the forest.


A loud sound similar to that of a dragon resounded across the forest,sending chills down Nightin's spine. Nightin knows deeply in his heart that it's something he can't contend against. Quickening his pace,he tried to escape and get out of the forest. However,he was blocked off by an array at the exit,he was in the core area of a formation. The dragon landed behind him...

The dragon was dark purple in colour,it gave of the feeling of the descent of a king. The dragon was possibly about fifty metres tall,each wing about five metres in length. It's claws were a astounding four metres long. Seemingly sharp enough to penetrate anything it wants to. Despite its menacing look however,Nightin wasn't scared of it. It gave off a feeling that made Nightin felt close to it,as though they were close friends to begin with.

To Nightin's surprise,the dragon actually spoke to him "Nether Dragon pays respect to master"

Nightin was shocked and took a step backwards,cold sweat running down his forehead. He told the dragon anxiously "Senior dragon, I'm not your master, you're mistaken me for the wrong person. I'm just a weakling compared to you."

While speaking,he had been taking slow footsteps backwards the whole time out of fear,as though every step further from the dragon will help him feel safer.

The dragon didn't panicked, it's clear purple eyes looking straight into the eyes of Nightin,it told him "I can't be wrong. My destiny is to follow the person who awakened the scythe of destruction."

Nightin looked at him and asked,this time calmer than the previous time. "Is the scythe that amazing?"

The dragon laughed at him and roared "What do you mean by amazing! Nothing in this world is capable of describing the scythe's strength, it's much stronger than what you can ever think of! At it's peak, slaying spirit gods is as simple as drinking water to it. If the spirit gods were to find out that you had awakened the scythe,they will do everything in their power to take your life."

Nightin asked "Is there any method to hide the presence of the scythe?"

The dragon's expression suddenly turned serious,as though as if a great foe had appeared.

Just then,a man dressed in white holding a lance appeared. The man was possibly in his early thirties and had an emblem on his crest,the royal knights. They were the knights who served the king of the empire. Rumors has it that the ten great knights are at the spirit ancestor realm. His hair was yellow in colour and he was covered from head to toe by shiny armor.

The man looked at Nightin,a look of despise formed on his face and told Nightin "Young boy,you should leave here right now."

Nightin couldn't bear the look of his face, it's just like the look of everyone who had looked down on him back then at the spirit hall. However,he managed to control himself and asked "Why should I do as you say?"

An arrogant look formed on the man's face "Why? Because I'm the seventh great knight who serves the king,someone at the ancestor realm at the young age of thirty three,with my soul weapon at the uncommon grade. As for every armor on me, they are at the heaven grade. Just to let you know,weapons are divided into four different ranks. Known as mortal,earth,heaven and mystic rank. I give you ten seconds to get away from here right now!"

Nightin looked back "So? I don't give a damn about who you are! Who cares if you serve the king,if the king gets in my way, I'll still take his life! Nobody orders me around,I won't bow down to anyone! If it's a fight you want,come straight at me!"

Saying this,he took out his soul weapon. Nine spiritual scythe energies spinning around him. Condensing all nine scythe energies into one,he used void slash,forming a deep purple colour crescent slash that slashed towards the knight.

The knight however,only looked at him in disdain. Taking care of the attack just by swinging his arm. As though as if a child was trying to punch an adult. Only for the effort to be futile.

The dragon roared at Nightin "Fall back,he isn't someone you can deal with!"

Before flying towards the knight,swinging its wings towards him. The knight immediately focused his gaze towards the battle,raising his lance up in an attempt to block off the dragon's attack. However,instead of being able to block off the attack,his lance flew away and landed on the ground.

The dragon roared "Human,leave this place now,this isn't a place you should be at!"

The knight laughed "I admit that I may not be your match,but..."

The knight took out a seal that's golden in colour,with the mark of a dragon. He smirked " You may be a dragon at the half saint realm,but the pressure of a saint ranked dragon isn't what you can contend against!"