Chapter 9 Fourth Gate,Hell Gate Part 2

Upon stepping into the portal,the world around them changed.

What appeared in front of them was a dungeon,the material used to make the tiles are meteorite shards. Meteorite shards are a rare ore that is categorised at the tenth rank in rarity. It's durability is strong enough to withstand attacks even from a spirit god.

Nightin and Charlotte knew that just the first trail alone won't be easy just from their first glance,considering the rare material that's used only just as floor tiled and walls.

A voice resounded within the dungeon,your job is to obtain ten thousand ender orbs within the time limit. Any additional orbs will be converted into spirit essence and given to the two of you equally. By killing a ninth star spirit gathering beast,you will get a ender orb.

A spirit apprentice beast at the first star will give you guys two ender orbs,a second star will get you two four orbs.

Now then,the trail begins now...

The scenery around them changed again,they were transported to a cave that is somehow well lit up by divine phantom torches. A ninth grade torch that won't go out within ten thousand years.

When the voice faded,eight spiders appeared in front of them. The spiders had green stripes on them,showing that they are of the poison element. In this world,there are the nine elements known as the fire element,the water element,the wind element,the earth element,the thunder element,the ice element,the metal element,the light element and the dark element. The first five are known as the basic five elements while the next four are known as the advanced elements. Elements such as the poison element are known as hidden elements and are rarely seen.

The group of spiders standing before them right now are of the poison element and are at the ninth star of spirit gathering.

Nightin took out his scythe and slashed towards the spider while Charlotte took the opportunity to fall back and assist from behind with her bow.

Nightin dash straight into the middle of all eight spiders and swing his scythe towards all eight of them. However,his attack barely injure them and only enraged them.

Nightin knew that his only chance to break through their defence is to go all out.

Nightin leaped backwards and used void slash,forming a dark purple scythe that flew towards all the spiders at high speed.


Two of the spiders were killed by him,while the remaining six were seriously injured from his all out attack. However,it also depleted Nightin of majority of his spirit essence. Making it impossible for him to countinue fighting.

Seeing this opportunity,Charlotte knows that she can't let is slip past her.

Charlotte formed a magic circle and shouted "Icicle rain!"

Twenty seven arrows that were freezing cold flew towards the remaining six spiders.

This move was also a heaven grade technique,consuming almost all of Charlotte's spirit essence as well.

The remaining six spiders were killed by her last attempt luckily.


A sharp sound resounded throughout the cave and a spider suddenly appeared in front of them.

Just then,the voice appeared again "You two sure are lucky,this spider is one of the ten lords here,meaning that it's at the spirit lord realm. Have fun little fellas..."

Nightin looked at Charlotte and told her "Run! Get away from here now! I'll take care of this!"

Charlotte immediately rebutted "I'm not leaving! I'm not going to leave you to die by yourself! Is that really how you think of me!?"

Nightin told her "I have a way to take care of this,just trust me."

Charlotte could see the determination in Nightin's eyes,tears welling up in her eyes. She ran away into the other end of the cave and hid behind a corner. Hoping that she can be of some use if needed.

Nightin took out a soul from his spatial ring,it is the soul of the Nether Dragon. He only had one chance to use it, however he's forced to use it right now.

He crushed it within his palm with the determination to bring down his foe with him.


A loud explosion resounded out within the cave...

Charlotte dashed out from the corner and rushed there,she saw nothing except for one jade orb in front of her which is equivalent to ten thousand ender orbs. However,Nightin was no where to be seen.

Tears flowed down her cheeks,her tears were like a a string of pearls and kept flowing down. The more she tries to stop crying,the more she can't stop herself...

She shouted "Nightin! Where are you!?"

Her voice resounding through the cave.