Chapter 8 Fourth Gate,Hell Gate Part 1

Nightin and Charlotte ventured into the inner area where the second tier beasts are. A first tier beast is equivalent to a foundation realm cultivator while a second tier beast is equivalent to a spirit gathering realm cultivator.

The nine volts forest is categorised as a low danger area that is divided into three areas,known as the outer area,inner area and core area.

Since it's their first day at the Nine Volts forest,Nightin and Charlotte decided to search for a cave where they can reside in before their training officially starts.

When they reached the inner area,it started getting foggy. Nightin could only see within ten metres of his vision,while Charlotte could only see within fifteen metres of her vision even with her enhanced vision. Showing just how thick the fog is,making them lose their sense of direction as well.

With the appearance of the fog,it became a difficult task for them to find a cave. Yet their only choice is to countinue looking around. Having no sense of direction due to the fog,they decide to keep travelling North,unsure of what it leads to.

After some time passed,the fog finally dispersed and they finally could see the area area. Using her enchanced vision,Charlotte spotted a cave eight hundred metres west of their current location.

Seeing that it is already night and the moon is high up in the air,Nightin and Charlotte decided to take refuge in the cave first.

Upon entering the cave,Nightin took out a spirit torch which he has kept in his spatial ring to light up the surrounding area. A spirit torch is a first tier spirit tool that is commonly used to light up dark areas. It's a necessity for every cultivator to bring it along on every trip.

The spatial ring he is using is of the low grade earth rank which he received from Charlotte. Despite wanting to ask about how she got the ring,he decided to keep silent instead and respect her privacy.

Upon lighting the cave up,the surroundings could be seen. In front of them was two altars,one of them showing a blazing phoenix while the other shows the image of a ice phoenix.

Nightin and Charlotte got curious and both walked up to the altars. Nightin walking to the blazing phoenix one on the right while Charlotte walked towards the ice phoenix altar on the left.

When they both were on the altar,two spirits appeared in front of them.

A voice sounded out within their minds "We have finally found a successor. Don't worry,we won't hurt you guys. This is the spirit we have left behind before our lifespan ended. We hope that you are willing to receive our legacy."

Nightin and Charlotte immediately agreed,getting stronger is their number one priority right now,they can't let any chance slip past them.

"You two will work together to face the trails the two of you face. There are four doors in front of you right now,known as dog,mortal,heaven and hell.

Corresponding to the difficulty of easy,medium,hard and extreme respectively. If you enter the dog gate,it means that you are willing to become a weakling that follows whatever command is given to you. Mortal means that you have a free will of you own,but won't ever accomplish any success in your life. Heaven means that you are qualified to become an expert, yet you will never stand at the peak where all the strongest cultivators are. Hell, you are willing to face any challenges and difficulties so as long as you can get stronger. Though many of these characters fall,those who survive stands at the peak of the cultivation world."

"Now then, what's your choice"

Nightin and Charlotte both sounded out at the same time "I choose to enter the hell gate"

Despite knowing that their chance of survival inside might be slim,they wanted to take the risk,they didn't want to let instructor Casper down. Also,they both have the same aspiration,to stand at the peak of the world.

"Very well, inside the hell gate there are nine trails. Each day on the outside world is equivalent to twenty inside. You guys have a total of three thousand and six hundred days to complete all nine trails. Failure to do so will result in death,if you're determined,you may enter at any moment."

Nightin and Charlotte turned towards each other,holding the other person's hand and walked towards the hell gate together.

Together,they were sucked in by a red portal...