
when I heard him call me son, my mind felt it was right but I knew I only met him once and that's when he was making this game, but In the scene where he calls me, I'm apparently a baby and I'm crawling the thought never crossed my mind that I wasn't the baby because if I wasn't, then whose memories am I seeing, which led me to believe they were mine

but I don't understand why I'm seeing memories of when I was an infant, so I just stopped thinking and started to just watch it

I could see the sad look on his face but his eyes were portraying he was desperate....but I didn't know why

then he said "I'm sorry son I have to", behind him I could see a digital board of equations and theory's, which led to the speculation of the end of the world, along with another theory that I could only partially see but it had something to do with other worlds

I then seen him reach across for me, it looked like he was trying to give me a disk, but the disk didn't looked digitally made but it looked hand made which is strange because even before I was born people were still digitally making everything, but upon further Inspection I could see that the disk was fragmented but it was trying to keep itself it was alive, I could tell it wasn't digitally made because If it was there would be a visible print on it that cant be removed or erased

when he pushed it to my small chest it looked like it was merging with me and implementing itself inside of me, but it seems baby me didn't get hurt, in fact baby me was laughing, it was kinda strange seeing me laugh since I generally don't laugh

but after that I felt weak, and I mean physically weak not mentally, then it felt like my body was strained and I couldn't move, then I passed out

only to awake right back in the the car I didn't know if that dream was real or not because I once was reading a book that said dreams are a manifestation of old memories, strong desires, or strong emotions

and it definitely couldn't have been the last two, so now I started to try and remember what I was dreaming about but every time I tried it felt like the dream was slipping away and I was forgetting, so I tried to focus on remembering one thing, and it had to be specific, so I chose to focus on his equations and theory's

but when I start thinking about his theory's, the more I thought they couldn't be plausible, what would other worlds have to do with our worlds destruction, scientists have already confirmed that theirs no life in outer space....unless there is and they've been keeping it a secret

I mean the government wouldn't just come out and say aliens exist because some people might think they will invade us others will become paranoid will wonder what they look like and fell that person they live next to could be a alien because no one except the government would know....if they know, they could have announced there existence over communication

but then that would lead to other questions of how that man or my "father" knew, but I don't have time right know to ponder about the other questions it leads to, right now I have a lot of other things to do

right now I need to find a new safe house to stay in, but first I got some of the can food in the back of the car and started eating it raw, did it taste good? of course not! but I need food to survive plain and simple, then I heard another announcement from out of nowhere like the last time....