System Online!

He opened the door of his apartment and threw his things on the couch, he grabbed his phone and walked towards his bedroom and just dive into his bed and started browsing for Web novels to read on his phone.

He is John Steve, a Junior class Basketball player in Norton University in the US or more like a bench warmer.

He only joined because he was interested in the game and always wanted to play but never got the chance to and even dreamed to become a star player like his idol Kyrie Irving someday and now he's in 3rd year of his University and finally decided to join the basketball team but reality then struck him hard as he found out that he wasn't that talented enough. He can't even do a proper shot, he's 6'2" and can't even go inside to do a simple dunk. Norton University's Basketball team is only average, it never won any championship since it was created that was how he got in easily even with the worst talent

"F*ck, f*ck, f*ck!" John cursed inside while browsing on his phone. He blames his luck for not having an amazing talent like his peers.

"Even an average talent would do! I've practice and practice for almost 2 months but no improvements whatsoever!" John suddenly roared.

"Sh*t!" John got up and stormed angrily towards the bathroom, he threw his phone beside the water basin and entered the shower, opened the shower faucet as he let's the water wash his body and he kept standing still while droplets of water slides down his body outlining his almost perfect shaped muscles, he got from constant workout and exercise "I'll quit the team tomorrow, maybe basketball is not for me and i think i should just keep studying hard like before and maybe i could even land on a satisfying job after i graduate. Yeah, i think i will do just that then" John thought.

He then got out of the shower and walk towards the water basin in daze as he even forgot to wipe his body. He picked up his hair dryer planning to dry his hair, as his hands draws near the wall socket to connect it on the power cord, he did not even notice the power cord is wet due to him not wiping himself and he just inserted it to the wall socket, the wall socket is already too old and loose that's why a large spark at least 1 foot in size ignited as a current of electricity course through the wet surface of the cord and started coursing through his arms. He was electrocuted so badly that he slump off the ground unconscious.

As he lay there unconscious, a bizarre thing happened. His phone suddenly went static like on T.V. The phone suddenly went black then words started appearing on the screen.



BEEP....BEEP...BEEP... the sound started emitting from the phone like the sound produce by an ECG monitor that monitors your heart activity.



Then the phone started levitating and hovered above John.

[SCANNING HOST] A beam of light suddenly shot out from the phone and started scanning John's body, up and down like in the movies. Then a series of words started appearing on the phone.







The phone turned dark and after a few seconds.



Then a small ball of light with electrical currents started forming beside the phone, it then shot towards the spot between John's eyebrows and seep inside. The phone fell towards John and went back to normal like "NOTHING ABSOLUTELY" happened.