Stardom! Here I Come!


"Uhhh...." John groggily reached out to his phone following the sound.


"Son! Are you okay!? I've been trying to call u since yesterday...." He heard his mother's frantic voice on the phone and only then did he realized that he had fallen unconscious from being electrocuted. He immediately stood up and walked towards the mirror.


"Son, are you okay!? Answer me!" His mother is now yelling at him from the phone.

"I'll talk to you later Mom"

"What!? Don't you dare hang up..Toot" John hang up and put it down beside the water basin.

John dazedly look at his face on the mirror and 3 seconds later.

"Ohh God!!...I-I-I'm still handsome!!!" He sh..Wait..What?

He was so happy that he even shouted hysterically that even made I, the narrator confused.

John was looking at himself at the mirror with that smile plastered on his face looking like an idiot and... NOW he's laughing maniacally.

'Really? Really now? Can you f*cking stop laughing like that!? My God! How did i even got assigned to this bastard and YOU! Who are you!?

'Uhh.. are you talking to me?'

'No, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to that guy behind you, Of course! I'm talking to you, you bastard'

'You don't know who i am?'

'That's why I'm asking because you because I don't know who the f*ck you are! MY GOODNESS! What's wrong with you people!?'

' I'm just the Author of this amazing story'

'Ohh! So you're my Boss, huh? Well, you know what? I QUIT!! I'm sick of this sh*t! Go look for another goddamn narrator!'

'Okay. I don't even know why I have a narrator'

'Ohh now you're telling me that. Well, F*CK YOU!'

'Wow, just Wow'

'Uhh, are you guys done?'

'Yeah so get your ass on the story John!'

Back to the story

On the mirror was a guy with long wavy blonde hair, chiseled face, green eyes and pointy nose. A definition of handsome.

"Thank the gods, i did not suffer any degree burns" said John after checking out his body.

"But its weird, how come i didn't suffer any injuries. I could have gotten 1st or 2nd degree burns at least with how powerful that shock was but everything's fine" he thought while looking at himself on the mirror.

"The system protected you at the last second preventing from suffering any kind of injuries" he heard a voice saying.

"Well, thank yo- Ghost!" he was scared silly that he even jumped in fright.

"Who's there!? I may not look like it but i do karate~ well I'm only at the yellow belt for now though"

"Hello John, I am EVE and from now on, i will be assisting you on using the S.A System and to your future endeavours" the voice said but this time John realized that the voice is coming from inside his head.

"You're in my freaking head! Are you trying to posse- wait, did you just say System!?" he yelled in panic but then realized something that made him extremely excited.

"Yes, you can call it the S.A System or Super Athlete System"

"Ohhhh Yeah!!" now he's just being an idiot.

John was really happy because he didn't expect that he would be this lucky after waking up from suffering electrocution that could have killed him.

"I got a freaking System! Really a blessing in disguise" John yelled inside and at same time excited at his future prospect.

As he tried to control his excitement.

"Okay EVE, how do i do this?"

"Please say System Stats"

"Do i just say System Stats or- Ohh Ohh!!!!" he didn't even finish what he was trying to say when something appeared in front of him.

"So this the System that I've read from those Web novels, It looks like a hologram" John was amazed at the System hologram that appeared.

"There are words in it"

Host Stats

Name: John Steve

Title: Karate Student


Birthday: July 22,1997

Status: 3rd Year at Norton University

Talent: Supreme


Cooking Mastery Lv. 3(Expert)

0/1000 EXP

Karate Mastery Lv. 1(Beginner)

0/50 EXP

All Scan Lv.5(Max)

Fame: 0

Star Coins: 0

I only have 3 Skills. Well its understandable and cooking is what I'm only good at but I really do suck at Karate but what is All Scan? It's even Maxed out. John Steve saw something on the Skill list that he does not recognized.

"EVE, what is All Scan?"

"All Scan is an ability that let's you Scan and get accurate basic information from the designated target"

John Steve was amazed at what he heard and then he thought of something.

"Uhmm, can i get the 3 bust sizes of a woman if I scan her?" sheepishly smiled as he asked.


"Didn't you just said that i can get an accurate information?"

"Yes and No. If you scan a human being then you will only get details like those of your own Stats because those are information you can get in public or in their own Social Media and the other things like their bust size is private but if you Scan things like Soda or Milk then you can get an accurate information from it"

"I see and what is a Star Coin then?" John Steve laugh a bit before asking again.

"You will need Star Coins to purchase items at the the Item Shop or you can gain them by accumulating Fame or completing task designated by the System and you can open the Item Shop by saying its name"

"And let me guess, I can raise my Skill Exp. by doing the same thing over and over, anyway just tell me all the functions of the system then" John Steve said excitedly with a huge grin.

"Item Shop - purchase items using Star Coins

Storage - store items with 15 slots and can stack the same items up to 20 pieces.

Host Stats - Information About Host"

"Wow! So i do have a Storage, now that is awesome as hell!" John smiled after knowing that he actually has a Storage space.


"Oh, my mom is calling" John picked up his phone and saw that it was his mom calling.

"Hello Mom? Yeah, I'm okay..." His mom was really worried about John and he was shocked when he found out that he had been unconscious for over a day.

After ending his conversation with his Mom. He asked Eve more about some matters regarding the system before going to bed.

"Stardom! Here I Come!" not before yelling those words and then fell asleep thinking how amazing would be his future prospect from now on.