You too?

(talk)It's my dad behind the moving wall and my mom with Gabe.

"What the fuck is happening?" I say calm but yet confused because they are oddly laughing at my dads dead body.

"Oh sweetheart there you are, we are just thinking of fun ways to get rid of his body."

Gabe walks over to me and rest his arm on my shoulder.

"What I think would be fun is cutting him up and feeding him to the hogs!"

"That idea is not that bad, but I have a question, how did you kill him again?" I ask because I don't see any bullet holes or blood.

"I shot him 12 times remember?"

"Then where are the wounds?"

"Um, they are under the trash bag"

The trash bag was covering his chest so I walked over and uncovered him.

"There is not one bullet hole."

"Okay so I didn't kill him, I shot the door when you passed out and behind the door was a tank of some kind of gas that knocked him out. I don't know how long it last, so we need to hurry up."

"Just kill him them."

My mom looks at me and says "NO, he is going to suffer for what he did to my baby!"

She injects him with something and then his fingers start to twitch.

"So, mom what exactly are you going to do?"

She goes to the other side of the room and opens a create. She pulls out an rusty chainsaw.

"This seems like it would do the trick!"

She starts laughing insanely and starts filling it up with gas.

Gabe reaches in his pocket to pull out an odd shaped knife and looks at me.

"He has always hurt you, now time to return a favor back to him."

My dad coughs and takes a deep breath in like he was under water for a long time.

"What's happening, where am I, why am I here?" Dad says scared and confused.

"Your at my house in the basement, oh also you have always been an asshole to my son, we think you need something to set your mind straight!"

Gabe walks over and drags the knife across his stomach.

"If you try anything I will yell and someone with call the cops! Try me!"

"Go head scream, yell, cry, no one will here you. I sound proofed this basement. I'm not stupid dip shit!"

My mom picks up the chainsaw and cranks it on.

"Wait, wait, wait, what's going on here?"

Ashley asked, my moms wife.

"Oh hey babe, we are just going to kill Daniel's father."

"Help me, your wife is insane" my dad says to Amanda.

"No, my wife does things for a reason, so if your tied up and getting ready to die then there is one damn good reason for it!"

She says while pointing at dad with a pissed off face.

"You want to know why we are doing this honey?"

"Yeah, explain!"

"Ya see, he decided to called Daniel a fagot, dragged a knife across his throat and was going to kill him, so I'm going to make sure he suffers!"

"Oh, ha ha ha, you think you can do that to MY son, well your sadly mistaken!"

I just think to myself, oh YOU TOO, you kill two? Ashley takes a bone cutting knife from her pocket and starts cutting through his wrist.


She stops then goes over to the other wrist. He screams and cries. They wrap up his hand to stop the bleeding so they can have more fun with this.

"Their is one thing you should know about me, and that's that I'm FUCKING INSANE WHEN IT COMES TO SOMEONE I LOVE!"

Ashley squeezes his wrapped wrist and he screams like a little bitch.

"This is for hurting my boyfriend you no good mother fucker!"

Gabe starts cutting more and more layers of skin off his arms and legs. Then my mom starts the chainsaw up.


She saws off his arms then legs.

He screams softly because he is losing so much blood. Crying and sobbing, loosing his breath.

"I hate you..... all!" Dad says is a quiet voice then I come running is with a machete.


I swing as hard as I could, chopping of his head while blood squirts in the air like a fountain.

"That was so fun" Gabe says with a bloody smile.

"Yeah you two are already making me proud!"

"You two go take a shower and clean up yourselves. I will clean this bloody mess up for ya. "Love you two." Ashley says happier knowing that she helped me out. We went upstairs and took a shower together making sure the blood was out of each other's hair and bodies. We got out and put on clothes that my mom has here for me when I sleep over and forget clothes. They are tight on Gabe because he is a little more muscular than me. We head back down stairs and their is a person knocking on the door. Me and Gabe walk over to the door and their is a man in a blue suit.

"Hi, I'm an FBI agent, is Heather here?"

I think to myself yeah but she is covered in blood because we just killed my dad but I say.

"No, she is out of state for a week."

"Ok sir, you will need to come with me."

"No thanks."

"It's not a choice" he says as two men come out of nowhere grabbing me and Gabe throwing us into a van.