
(about)We are thrown into a van by to guys and I scream as loud as I can. I try to get my mom to hear. I see through the windows three other men going into the house. I bang my head against the window to break it because I have been handcuffed some time between being grabbed and shoved into the van. I looked near the front seat and there is a screen with I could only guess a hidden camera on the front of the guys shirt that told us "it wasn't a choice", and they are in the kitchen looking around. I hope they don't see my dad. They turn to the basement door and I just think, well looks like they are going to get my moms. Someone opened the door and they were hesitant to go down but them camera guy went down then the other two followed. They get to the bottom and it's pitch black. The light turns on and my mom is looking at them and says "look behind you"

They turn around and it's my dads dead body. They back up and his body explodes, cutting the camera out. The man driving hits the gas and goes. I looks back and see my mom waving out the window.

"Why is she just waving? Do you think she will come for us?" Gabe ask me scared.

"Yeah... yeah.... she will" I respond quietly because it looked life she didn't care that they took us.

We try wiggling out of the hand cuffs and help each other by being back to back, trying to pick the locks.

"You two better stop!"

"Or else what you fucking asshole?"

Oh my god why can't I shut my mouth.

He sprays us with something....

We wake up tied up to a pole inside some huge empty building. It's completely silent and someone walks in. It's my dad's dad.

"Sorry it has to be like this...