Untold truth

"What do you mean one of them?" I said stupidly with my hand going through my hair.

"Daniel, I was told to never talk, look, or be with someone that can Time Warp." He starts sweating.

"You don't need to listen to them, I'm not going to hurt you, I love you, I will use this power thing to protect you and me!" I am trying to make sure he understands I'm in love with him!

"Ok ok, I know, I love you too, I just need time to process this." He says wiping sweat from his face.

"Can you do that later? We kinda need to get out of this place!"

We start walking through a hallway with pipes along the walls until we seen stairs.

"Wait, stop, there is a camera, what do we do?" Gabe says.

"I don't know, bust the camera when it turns around, does that sound good?" I ask like I am literally the dumbest person alive.

"I mean I don't see any other way of doing it."

Gabe goes to the camera and yanks it but it didn't break. He looks at me and try's again.

"It won't break!" He said stressed.

I look around and notice one of the pipes are broken on the wall and I told him to break it the rest of the way. So he yanks it as hard as he can. It breaks and he falls back with the pipe in his hands.

"Well get up and hit the fucker!" I say in a hurry.

He runs over and hits it super hard. It falls but I realize that we just made so much noise that someone probably heard us. But we slowly go up the stairs and open the double doors.

"That's where they tied us up." I say pointing at the support beam across the room.

"Look those doors open to the outside let's go!"

"Wait where is everyone?"

"I don't know and don't wanna find out so let's go!" He says in a hurry.

We run to the door and open it. We look around for a car or truck and don't see anything. So we decided to run to the road. We wave down a passing truck and he lets us in. The stranger looks like a country hippy with white beard and hair. He has torn up clothes and a rusty truck.

The stranger said "What are y'all running from?"

"We were taken and shoved in a van!" I said out of breath.

"Can you take us to the nearest store or gas station?" Gabe asked like he was not sure if he could trust the driver.

"Well hell, sure, do y'all need money or anything for help?" He asked like a really friendly guy actually trying to help.

"Well ya know, it would be great if you could lend us a five for some calls!" I say happy that someone is trying to help.

"No no sir we are okay. But thanks." Gabe said with a confident voice.

I whisper to Gabe "hey what is your deal? He is trying to help us." He looks at me and says "You are going to trust him? A random guy you don't know?"

"Yes, he let two random guys in his car that he didn't know!"

"Okay get the five and find a place to stop!"

A few minutes later and we drive into a gas station and he hands me a five.

"You both be safe now, you never know who you can trust and who you can't trust." He said with a big smile and wide eyes. He drives off and I notice a flashing red light underneath his bumper. I don't think much about it and go into the phone box. I call my moms number and she picked up.

"Are you going to come get us?"

"Yes where are you?"

"Me and Gabe are at a gas station on..." I look around and see a sign "it's called captive road?" I think to myself about the road sign and get weirded out.

"Ok, it's In my phone on the GPS and says it's your two hours away. I will see you as soon as I can!"

She hangs up and I go inside the gas station and sit at the diner area to the right. Gabe sits next to me and notices that their isn't anyone in sight. Also no one is at the register.

"Where is everyone?" I ask him getting creeped out.

"I don't know but this is weird."

I get up and look around. I notice a hallway with restrooms and another door. I open the door and there are at least five dead body's on the floor in front of a camera system. I yelled for Gabe.

"Gabe, come here!"

"What, oh my god, looks like someone also likes doing it." He started laughing.

"Yeah but who did it?"

We went back and sat down.

One hour and forty five minutes later. Someone pulls in but it's not my mom.