She is your mom!?

When the truck pulls in and the door opens, I could hear him hang up a phone. The guy walks toward Gabe first then looks him up and down. Then looks at me and smirks. "So I heard that y'all were gay, is that right?" He says in a humorous tone. Gabe raises one eyebrow and looks at him, "Yeah is there a problem with that mister?" He said with a threatening voice. "I'm afraid There is." He responded. Daniel looked at Gabe and says "We are not really gay we just seem like we are isn't that right Gabe?" With a afraid voice. Then the guy looks at Daniel with a blank look and replied "I was just kidding man, being gay is cool with me. We need more gays in the world." Gabe looks at Daniel trying to not laugh and Daniel is trying not to shit himself from being scared. "Good cause I was also joking, I wouldn't care if you didn't like gays or not!" Daniel says with a voice that sounds confident but you can hear the nervous voice behind. The stranger then looks around and notices that there isn't anyone there. " Have you seen anyone here lately?" Gabe quickly says "No, but we are waiting for someone if you don't mind we would like to go to the road to watch." The stranger stops Gabe and says "Don't worry, I'm the one picking y'all up, your mom sent me." Daniel starts to think of what friend his mom has that looks like this guy. He can't think of anyone and agrees to go with him but goes to the bathroom quickly to call his mom. He dials her number and calls. She answers and explains that he is trustworthy and will get them back home. Gabe walks in and asks what's happening. "I just called mom and she says we should be fine and can trust him." Gabe looks at him confused and starts to wonder why his mom didn't just come get him. "Fine, let's go then and start interrogating him in his truck." As they walk out Gabe takes a lighter and pen. He thinks to himself, *I don't trust anyone anymore, if he even starts acting weird imma kill him*. He quickly puts it in his pocket and helps Daniel into the truck. "So you guys have had a hell of a day haven't you?" Daniels giggles and says "Yeah it has been shitty". Gabe looks at the guy and ask "How did you know about our day?". The guys glances over and says "You told me". Gabe reply's "No we didn't? Me never told you about what happened. "I'm joking, I'm just fuckin with ya!" The guys says laughing as he starts taping the steering wheel. Gabe smiles in a fake manner and nods. To break the silence, Daniel looks at the guy and ask "How do you know my mom?" The guys starts looking out the window and explains that he has known her since he was a kid. Then he starts getting of topic and talking about farms. Gabe notices and starts interrogation. "How did you guys meet when you were younger?" He looks at him and responds "Well she has known me since I was a baby." He responds in a sarcastic voice. "Where did you guys meet?" Gabe says while looking him straight in the eyes. "Well ya see, she first seen me in the hospital, cause she gave birth to be." Daniel's eyes widened and he looked at Gabe. Daniel looked at the guy and asked "Why am I just now figuring this out, are you my brother, how old are you, I've never seen you, mom has never said anything about you." Daniel can't stop thinking of questions, but he just can't figure out why his mom never told him. His mom told him everything, why did she hide the fact she had another son. Daniel notices that he stops the truck. "We are here now get out" he said with a Humorous voice. "Where are we?" Gabe asks as he grabs Daniel's hand. Daniel looks out the window and sees and a black door in the middle of the field. He looks back at the stranger and he is gone.