Living In a Hard Drive

"Oh, Yi Qin's a fan of this guy?" Aijing pointed at Luocheng, slightly taken aback by Qi Qiao's words.

Qi Qiao nodded excitedly in reply, "Yeah, yeah."

Luocheng wasn't following the conversation, he didn't know who these two girls were talking about.

Luocheng cleared his throat and got straight to business, "Did you bring the map of the Summoner's Rift?"

"I left it at Qi Qiao's place. It's not everyday a cryptid like you shows its face, so today's lunch is on us. Qi Qiao's really good at cooking, so let's go over to her place, it's not far, just across that street," Aijing said.

The invitation came so suddenly, two girls inviting him into their home? Luocheng thought he was being pranked, but then again, if he didn't go, who would? He would walk face-first into hell if they told him to, he was a man after all.