Luocheng and Aijing's understanding of the Supports in the latest season was mostly identical. To begin, Leona, popularly known as the "Tank Woman" in China would become the main attraction in the next season. She would be able to handle tanking and also DPS. Not only that, if the team needed a crowd-controller, Leona could still handle it. The only Champions that could counter her would probably be Alistar and Thresh.
Thus, Zyra, Annie and Sona—these frequently used Supports would have nowhere to shine. This was especially true since Annie had been nerfed a lot this time round—she had lost her ability to do the exact 1.75-second crowd-control. Annie was not that popular amongst the mid laners, therefore, after being nerfed like that, there would be an even lesser chance for her to be picked and appear in the middle lanes. This, in turn, led to her becoming more of a burden than a support.