Our story revolves around a teenager whose life is changed from good to worst due to an unfortunate incident. Having weird looking eyes, our hero is the subject of bullying but lives his life as if nothing happens. In hopes of being accepted, he does stupid things for attention but ultimately is ignored. Having a not so inviting secret personality makes having more than a four friends a far fetched idea. (Probably will change the description as I continue to write the story.)
Arc one is completed, moving on to another story :D
[First Story I ever wrote]
Nice start. Interesting plot and so far decent characters. Keep it up hope to see more from this story. Fix that writing it will be awesome.
Best 👍👍👍🤣 the same time I don't have ah phone again and I will be there at the same time I don't have ah phone again and I will be there at the same time I don't have ah phone again and I the will be there tomorrow at like fatty liver and I will be there at the same time I don't have get back to you on that one and
So far pretty good read pretty interested in it I found it hard to be interested in most I've read so far,,,,,............................ .