Dinner for three more guests

The time of Christmas break is coming up and the school has buzz about the school trip at the end of the year.

The trip will take place in Rye, New York. We will be going to Playland.

Becky and I haven't talked outside of school. I had an idea. I will ask her to dinner at my house tonight.

I ran into Becky on my way to gym.

"Hey October. What's up?" Becky says.

"Will you come to dinner at my house?" I ask.

"October, you can't ask that out in the open!" Becky shouts.

"No one cares remember?" I state.

"The rules remember? If our relationship wants to survive, then the rule applies to it too." Becky states back into an argument.

"Fair enough." I agree

"Besides I have a school to run and you on the side." Becky says.

"It can be with two friends." I state.

Becky sighs.

"Your house at 7. I'll bring my parents." Becky says.

"Deal." I agree.


Becky's dad was eating the food off his plate.

"Angelica this is the best meal that I have ever eaten." Becky's dad hollered.

"I love to see people enjoy my cooking." Angelica replied.

"Thanks for the invite October." Becky's mom says.

"It was my pleasure." I answered.

I walked Becky and her family out the door. I went back to the table to help clean up.

"Those are nice people October." Angelica says to me.

"I know. They even loved your cooking." I replied.

"You do know that Becky has-" Angelica started.

"Down syndrome? Yes, I do know that." I say quickly.

"Don't sass me October James! I don't need any more trouble before Harper comes." Angelica states.

"She can't stay here! I have my life on-" I screamed.

"That's enough! No exceptions! She's coming." Angelica yelled.