Ending the marriage

After the news broke, Mr Wayne knew he could no longer be with his family. It was the end of their promise. When he wanted to get out of the Aurora's house to visit his grandson who was in critical condition, he traded a marriage with his grandson. He made Aurora promise to never break the marriage no matter what happens and if his grandson was the one who brought out about ending the marriage then he will accept his fate. Aurora can choose what she wanted to do with his life.

"What do you plan to do?" He asked in a cautious manner. Facing the cold Aurora he doesn't seem to know what else he should say. Especially during this time.

"I will leave tonight. I will not bring you with me. However after this, whatever happen it will be beyond my control. My subordinates have been holding in for too long." She said firmly. She could have done something but she have been holding them back for too long. Soon they will get frustrated and disobey her orders. Their job was to protect her and she's been asking them to endure just like her. When this news broke, she knew they will find any chances they could to end the Infinite Corporation along with the family.

"No, just take me with you. It was useless of me trying to protect them. This time let them reap what they sow." Mr Wayne was tired of the constant fight for power. But the main reason he wanted to follow her because he already see her as her granddaughter. And to be unable to see her in front of him makes him feel uneasy. Only he knows the real her after living with her in her house before things happen. He was happy and calm. Something that's hard to come by when he's with his family. Aurora was surprised but she agree without hesitation.

"I will send Rex to come and get you within an hour." She ended the call and not long after, a figure that she have been waiting for enter the house. Not having any intention to stand up and welcome him like she usually do, she just sat there watching him until he stand in front of her. Standing there looking down at her with his usual stoic face whenever she's around. They were both quite for a long time before he decided to break in the silence. Aurora doesn't have any intention to say anything.

"We will turn in our divorce paper tomorrow. I will give this house to you and you can do anything with it. The cars will be yours and as for money, how..."

"There's no need. I don't need all of it. I'll be leaving tonight. The papers are there and i've already sign them. If there's any problems, you can see my lawyer tomorrow." Aurora cut him off after she couldn't bear to hear anything that's coming from him. During the three years she was with him, she never hated him at all. She doesn't want to turn that into hate the more she listen to him.

Cole frowned. She looks different tonight. Her usual smiling face no longer there but was replaced with a cold look. Eyes that seem emotionless. Somehow his heart felt a strange pain looking at her like that. He was not used to her cold look. In addition to that, the word that she say just now as if they would not meet each other again in future. She's leaving tonight? Where would she go? Back to her family?

"I don't want to see your lawyer. I want you to be there. Who knows what sort of tricks you will make. And you can leave tomorrow. It's late." He was about to leave after saying that but stopped halfway when he heard the sound of helicopter. He turned around and from his living room, he can see the helicopter land on his yard. Aurora got up ignoring him but headed to the door.

"Aurora." He called and she stopped.

"I'll be leaving tonight. My lawyers will be seeing you tomorrow." She turn around trying to leave but this time she was stopped when he grabbed onto her arm. Before he could say anything further, two men wearing black suit suddenly appear at her side looking grim easily removed his hand from her arm.

"Who are you people? This is a private and highly guarded property. And that is my wife. GUARDS!!!" Cole was enrage and surprised. How did they suddenly appear and he didn't even sense a thing. After shouting for his guards, dozens of men surrounded the area. Aiming their guns toward the intruder. The two person who were standing in front of Aurora didn't even bother to move nor surprised by the amount of people who are guarding the house. In the midst of this chaos, an emotionless voice rung ahead.

"I wouldn't do that if i were you. Pointing their guns at my men would cause them their life." Aurora looked at him and wasn't fazed nor scared at the scene. Cole was even more puzzled. If it was the normal person, wouldn't they usually cowers away or scream. Why is it her reaction indicates she's used to living in this manner? Who is she? Grandfather always says she's his savior but he never knows what he meant by that because from the moment they were married, he just labeled her as gold digger like her family. But why is it she seem so different? For the past three years he married her, he didn't bother to find out the truth. Now that she's leaving, easily sign the divorce paper he felt like he's making the biggest mistake in his life. Something told him she's different than her family. For now, he need to stop her from leaving.