Farewell Cole Bryson

Cole gave the signal and everyone put down their guns instantly. He needed to find the truth and thus he need to make her stay.

"Aurora, stay. Leave tomorrow after we're settle with everything." He said again. This time he try to approach her only to be stopped by the two men. He glared at them instead. Aurora however only look at him and no one are able to know what she's thinking.

"Cole Bryson, have you ever see me as your wife for the past three years?" Her soft voice bring him back to her face. But the question seem to be hard for him to answer. He thought to himself and he knew the answer is no. If he answer just like this, will she really leave? He was about to lie when the look on her face told him she knew what he was thinking. Thus, he just shook his head. Aurora nodded and give her men the signal. The sound of the helicopter start roaring and Cole knew she was leaving no matter what he says.

"Farewell Cole Bryson." With that, she left and got onto the helicopter without turning her back even once. Cole just watch on without realizing part of his heart went with her too. For almost an hour he just stood there looking up the sky. There were no longer traces of the helicopter just dark cloudy night. He walked back inside the house, stumbling to the living room. And when he saw the sofa where she once sat, unconsciously he sit beside the place where she last sat. Staring as if he could see her figure. He didn't understand his feeling at all. He didn't even bother to glance at her when she was around and would always ignore her whenever he's home. She have her own bedroom which he never visits. And never once he heard her complaining nor say anything to others. Even to his grandfather. She suddenly showed up in his life and his grandfather insists him marrying her. And now she's gone just like wind. How did someone like her would leave deep impact to him? And he didn't even realize until she was gone. Ignoring the slight pain in his heart, he went to the minibar and pour himself a drink. Drink his night away to forget the uncomfortable feeling that he felt.

Inside the helicopter, Mr Wayne was staring at Aurora who's been silent the moment she stepped in. No greeting or her cheerful side that she's been showing for the past three years. It seem she's back to her cold self making him feeling pain seeing her like that. Just what did she had to experience to be able to stay calm and cold at the same time. Even so, these past three years, she looked like a normal girl. Obeying easily with his word alone and never complaint a bit when his family including Cole treating her badly. She become the joke of the town. People have been slandering her and created ugly rumors about her but she acted like she didn't hear a tiny bit of that rumors when she goes out. She slapped their faces with just her innocent and smiley face. Eventually, people just got tired punching cotton and they end up just smirk. But the one who envy Aurora's beauty and position never stops creating rumors after rumors. Cole's action only added oil to the fire by not standing up for her. Anyone at her place would break down but surprisingly, Aurora never said a word nor corrected the wrongs. Mr Wayne couldn't help but feel more amazed seeing that side of hers. So elegant with a hidden gem within her. She really made a perfect match for his grandson. Unfortunately, things just don't stay the way he wanted it to be. He sighed heavily. Closing his old wrinkle eye, thinking about his grandson's future when he's no longer around.

"Aurora, let grandpa ask you for the first and last time. Did you ever love Cole as your husband?"