That something

Aurora start her day rather different after she left Cole's mansion. Woke up early in the morning and had a couple rounds of running. Although she slept rather late last night, close to 3 a.m but it is just not her habit to wake up late. No matter what time she slept. Thinking about the endless report and work that she have to finish, she can't laze around. After she finish taking her bath, she went down to the dining table only to be greeted with a table full of people waiting for her to have breakfast together. It was none other than her own circles and in addition Mr Wayne. Each shows different face when they notice Mr Wayne follows her home. Aurora only nods her head before she head onto her seat. Which is at the head of the table. The moment she sat, everyone starts to eat. There are various kind of breakfast on the table but as usual, Aurora would only eat her sandwich no matter what other variety there are on the table. Since they're used to her eating this way, the others help themselves to devour the food. Of course the food were cooked by them. They wouldn't allow Aurora to cook since she always end up cutting her fingers. She's good with everything she does but knife is not something that she can be friend with no matter what. They've seen her getting injured whenever she held the knife. If she wanted to cook, there has to be one person to be her personal assistant. Usually that job falls onto Tristan since he volunteer and have the most time of all.

After they have their breakfast, they hang out in the living room acting like they have all the time in the world. They all choose to stay away from work when Aurora return last night. They wanted to spend their time together with Aurora since it's been three years she last came home.

"Why are you guys still here?" Aurora asked the moment she went down. She went to her room to make a phone call before bringing her phone down with her. But she was surprised seeing all of her brothers is still there. Usually after breakfast, they would take the helicopter and be on their way to work.

"Do you really need to ask that question Aurora?" Tristan answer lazily. She just rolled her eyes and sat together with them. Mr Wayne seem to be inside his room since he's not at the living room.

"I'm fine in case you're wondering." She said trying to convince them.

"Sure." Just one word making Aurora feels like she's about to be interrogate.

"You can't fool us. You can tell you're fine to the whole world but you can't lie to us." This time Zeus is the one speak out. The rest nodded their head.

"Things just need to end. Plus it was part of the promise."

"I don't see you getting any benefit from that promise. If we were here three years ago, we would stop you from agreeing with the old man." It was her lawyer, Steven who voice out his opinion.

"It's in the past." She said helplessly.

"And don't call him old man. It's rude. I'm sure he'll allow you to call him grandfather or grandpa. He'll be pleased." She added.

"He is my grandpa though. What's he doing here again?" Carl Bryson, Cole's brother who asked that. He is part of Aurora's circle and her brother. Mr Wayne never knew Carl is part of the Decemvirate. Carl was surprised to see his grandfather on the dining table this morning. He didn't realize his grandfather last night because he was excited to have Aurora back with them. For the past three years they've been laying low because she's not around.

"Grandfather wanted to follow and i just agree. Plus, it's not safe for him to be there."

"Hey, don't just change the subject." Steven is still feeling dissatisfied knowing the promise that she made with Mr Wayne. It doesn't even benefit her at all. All she got for the past three years is the life of being haunted by ugly creatures who only good at making up rumors. Slandering Aurora as they pleases. Not knowing who they dare to offend.

"Probably because i just want to feel what it's like having a parent or husband or even something. I don't know." She answered truthfully. The promise that she made back then, it didn't benefit her life at all. But somehow she just agree to it and ignore everything. Others quiet down. They somehow understood what she meant. And knew what she's been dealing with all these years. They've known her when she was just a weak, malnourished girl. Living her life in a small hut all by herself. She found them and they found her. Throughout rainy days and sunny day, they've been through together a lot. Until they're in their position right now where everyone fears them, they each know one another perfectly well. Hearing she said that, she longed for something in her life. Probably it was triggered when she met Mr Wayne three years ago.

"Have you found what you're looking for?" Tristan who's been observing her asked that question.

Aurora smile before she nod her head.

"It was better than what i imagine it to be." She said slowly. As if reminiscing what she found. They don't bother on asking what is it that she found. Knowing her, it was probably the pieces to mend her broken heart.