
It was unknown how many minutes have pass by. But here she is looking towards the bed where Cole laid and the complicated tube connected to him. It was quiet accompanied by the beeping machine. She never thought she would see him again after the night she sign the divorce paper. And it was only after a couple of hours to be exact. Now he's laying there, with bandages on his head and other parts of his body. Somehow it broke her heart seeing him like this. She's been protecting him for the past three years. And it didn't matter if he doesn't know. But marrying him is not a bad thing like everyone else think. He's the very exact opposite of her. His life is full of love and pampered by his own grandfather including his parent. He an optimist. She saw his warm side although by accident but she knew he never meant to hurt her throughout the years they were together. Forcing someone to marry a person they don't love is not something anyone can do. What else if they have someone else in their heart. She understood the dilemma he's in.

"Caleb." she said after a while.

"Well, he's stable now. But i'm afraid he won't wake up anytime soon. The head injury is quite serious. He might be in coma if he's not awake for another 48 hours. Not sure when he will wake up." Based on his injury, it's lucky he's still alive.

"Tristan, have you done what i asked you?"

"It's all clear. Place several of our people on this floor and to be exact, it's only us on this floor."

Aurora nodded her head. Her gaze never left the men who's laying there. She doesn't dare to come close fearing her heart might fall deeper than what she thought. Her life is not something that should have any attach with anyone. It's enough having all of her brothers around.

"Grandfather, i'll leave him to you. And you can't come to my place any longer. If he woke up, i'll come back again to deal with our divorce." After saying that, she turned around wanting to leave.

"Aurora, if he didn't wake up in the next 48 hours would you help this shameless old man one last time?" Mr Wayne he was stepping over boundaries. But at this moment with Cole like this, their company will suffer and those that were waiting for Cole to fall will take this chance to overthrown Cole. He doesn't want that to happen. Cole is his only hope to save their business from going under. He knew he's being selfish at the moment but only Aurora could save his company. Aurora who heard it only kept quiet.

"He's still your husband. You haven't gotten divorce yet. And i only have you to depend on now that he's laying there. Until my grandson wake up, until then please help this old man." Mr Wayne got onto his knee begging for the cold figure who have her back on him.

"Old man, in the past because we weren't present to stop her it doesn't mean you can ignore us now that we're by her side. It's enough she's been patient dealing with all the unfairness and the ugly treatment throughout the years she became your granddaughter in law and you want her to help you? Don't make me laugh. Is your company more important than other people's life that you use her as your chess piece? All these years we lay low it doesn't mean we will not retaliate when the times comes. Who's fault is it leading your grandson to such state? That family of yours are full of venomous snake and sneaky fox. It's because of what you have done in the past karma have come knocking on its door." Tristan who's been holding onto his anger finally speak out. He will not let Aurora to keep on pretentious old man any longer.

"Let's go." Aurora who have been silent the whole time finally said something but only to leave the VIP room. Leaving behind Mr Wayne who's still begging on his knees. Staggering to stand up, his face went pale the moment he heard what Tristan said a moment ago. Bitterly he burst into tears fully understood what Tristan meant by karma came knocking on the door. Seeing his grandson laying there, he blame himself over and over again. He curse his own family in the past for being greedy but he forgot he too were a greedy person. Only when he was this old he finally realize that wealth is not everything. While he was busy blaming his own fault, he didn't realize the one who's laying on the bed has just move his fingers.